Oh no you guys didn't

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Alex's POV

"Gloria? Victor?" I said with surprise. Their eyes widened, then they rushed towards me engulfing me in a hug. I never expected them to give me a hug! After simple greetings and asking how they have been our mum came down the stairs after she heard the commotion.

"Hey sweetie! How are you?"

"Hey mum! I'm doing good. The flight here was long though."

"Speaking of your flight, how about some rest? I know that it's no short trip from Kalos."

"I'm okay mum. I mostly want to spend some time with Gloria and Victor."

"Alright but if you get tired your room is upstairs at the end of the hallway."

"Thank you so much mum"

"It's no problem honey. It's getting a bit late for me so i'm gonna head upstairs and go to bed. Try not to be too loud, okay?"

"Okay mum!"

Now back to the twins. They went to the couch to turn on a match between a gym leader and the champion. But it was no ordinary gym leader. It was the strongest gym leader in Galar according to Gloria and Victor. His name was Raihan and I was secretly rooting for him even though I knew he wouldn't win. At the end of the match I got some bonding time with Gloria and Victor. They were telling me that there was something going on tomorrow but when I asked they wouldn't tell me. They said that it was a surprise and they suggested that we should all go to bed now as it was going to be a big day. But before we went to bed they had both asked me if I had any Pokémon of my own. It would be reasonable for them to ask since the topic never came up. I told them that I would tell them tomorrow because it was getting later and later and I didn't want to wake mum up with all the noise. Plus, it's a little bit of revenge since they wouldn't tell me what we're doing tomorrow. We all parted ways to our separate rooms and went to bed.

Next day

I woke up pretty early so that meant that everyone else was asleep. So, without making too much noise, I headed downstairs to start making breakfast for everyone. I had learned how to cook from my dad as we didn't have mom to cook for us anymore. So I decided to make pancakes with chocolate chips and some without. I also decided to make some bacon and eggs. By the time I was done everyone was up and was hungry.

Gloria: "Wow, that smells amazing!"

Alex: "Thanks! I got up early so I decided to make breakfast before we head out!"

At the mention of heading out today she seemed to brighten up like she remembered something.

30 minutes later

Once we were finished eating we were getting ready to go out. They had finally told me that we were going to the neighbors house. But I had a feeling that they both weren't telling me the whole story as they had a mischievous glint in their eyes. Once we were out the door I saw at the neighboring house a young boy around Gloria and Victor's age. We headed over and I found out that his name was hop. He seemed like an energetic and happy kid so I figured he was okay. We hung out and chatted a bit before hop went inside so we followed him in. He asked about his big brother and him being here yet.

Hops mum: Seriously hop, you need to learn some patience. He must have just arrived at the train station.

Hop: Then I'll get to the train station and make sure that he didn't get lost. See you!

Hops mum: Oh dear. Well, while you guys are here, would you guys like to wait outside for him and his brother?

Alex: Yeah that sounds good! Thank you ma'am!

Hops mum: Oh it's no problem.

10 minutes later

Hop came barreling down the road with someone that looks oddly familiar. Maybe a bit too familiar. And then it hit me. My siblings know that I didn't like him that much and they still made me meet him. As I looked over and saw their faces they were looking at me with puppy eyes as if to say give him a chance. During that time Champion Leon had reached the yard.

His Gym Leader Leon x OCWhere stories live. Discover now