And So It Begins

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Adrian stood just outside the school, leaning against the wall to wait for Y/n to arrive. After everything that had happened, he was eager to see his best friend return to how he was before.

A car stopped a few feet from him and he inwardly grimaced a little when he saw Chloe leaning out the window and waving furiously at him. Don't get him wrong, Chloe was a very dear friend. It's just... She had a difficult personality. Yes, a difficulty personality. That's how he would describe it.

Adrian took a deep breath, smiled as brightly and waved back. He was about to walk up when he saw her frown then fold her arms and stride up the stairs into the school.

He was puzzled until an arm draped over his shoulder and pull him in for a man hug. His smile change to a grin and pushed Y/n off, turning to face his friend.

Good morning to you too, Y/n." He said. For some reason Y/n and Chloe never seemed to like each other. They didn't show it, but they more or less avoided the other.

"Not yet." Y/n pulled him back in and ruffled up his perfect hair until Adrian escaped. "Now it is."

"My hair, come on." He tried to pay back in place but it was hopeless, y/n messing it up again whenever he could.

"Fine. You win." He gave up and went up the stairs but stopped when Y/n didn't follow. You coming?"

"Yeah." he nodded. "Just waiting for Juleka."

"She's coming today? I thought she would take the day off."

"Thought so too." Y/n agreed. "But she said she was fine and wanted to be here."

Adrian shrugged and came to stand by him. Y/n smiled and leaned on him, using him as a shoulder rest. Adrian ignored him and after a few minutes, Juleka and Rose turned the corner, slowly walking towards them.

I took a second to take in the beauty that stopped infront of me and shyly brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. She was wearing a black hoodie with bike gloves and dark pants with light makeup around the eyes and lips.

Hey." She whispered softly and my heart skipped a beat. Last night, I had dropped her off at her house and left before anyone saw, but hearing her voice again felt so good. Almost like the past month hadn't happened.

Adrian stepped forward to giving her a welcoming hug and I snapped out of it.

"Good to see you, Juleka. I'm glad you're back with us, but are you sure you're ready?" He asked but she laughed away his concerns, eyes focused on mine.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." She answered. "Thanks for worrying."

"Well that's good to hear." He said but she only nodded. Adrian seem to take the hint and walked inside, Rose following soon after. Juleka let out a sigh once they were out of sight and I chuckled. I opened my arms and she threw herself at me.

"Do I have to do this all day?" She grumbled. "It's great to have friends like them, and I really do appreciate them but can we speed things up?"

"Shhhh, sweetie." I nuzzled my chin in her hair. "It's a necessary step. Besides, better now than later."

She pouted for a bit, looking even cuter if that was possible, before asking. "And you're sure you won't tell me who cat noir is? Or let me in on your revenge plot?"

I laughed and guided her to our classroom, stopping just before to give her a wink.

"What's the fun in that?"

"But I want to help." She mumbled out while awkwardly scratching her arm. I brought her in for a kiss then patted her head.

"I know, sweetie. But not yet." She grumbled but nodded. "Now, we doing this or want to go back home. I don't mind if you want to.

"No. I'm good." She said. "Can't wait to see Chloe's fuc-" I stopped her with a finger on her lips.

"Not in school, sweetie."

She gave me a big smile and bit my finger then walked past me into class. I didn't hurt, not much but it did make me worry. I watched her greet the class, thanking them for their support and well wishes, the same smile on her face but I knew, something had changed in her.

Especially when she passed by Chloe's upturned nose, when there was a flash of rage, barely noticeable but I saw it and so did Rose. She looked startled but our eyes met and I gave her a shrug and shook my head, silently telling her to let it go.

I took a deep breath and entered, quickly making it to my seat and sitting down for the first lesson of the day.


Juleka grabbed her books and began putting them in her bag when she heard someone stop behind her. She turned with a smile that froze when she saw it was Chloe, her ever loyal lackey right behind her.

"What do you want?" She asked, nervously backing up. "I haven't done anything to you."

"Hey! I'm not going to hit you. Would you quit over reacting?" Chloe scolded her. "You're always like this."

"What do you mean?" She backed up even more but this only to tick Chloe off.

"Like last time, I made a few jokes and you had to go and take it so serious. I mean, come on, I was obviously joking. Wasn't I, Sabrina?" She asked the bespectacled girl who nodded rapidly in agreement.

Juleka gave her a dubious look but nodded and picked up her bag to leave.

"If you say so. We all know you didn't mean it." she mumbled out and walked past but stopped to whisper. "But that doesn't change the fact that you said it."

Chloe clicked her tongue and was about to grab her when she felt a chill run down her spine just as a shadow loomed over her. She slowly looked over her shoulder at Y/n, gulping at the plastered smile he was giving her.

"Hey Chloe." He said, eyes unblinking. She had always had a weird feeling about y/n, even when he first showed up. He always seemed so cool and nice but she could tell he wasn't as nice. And it wasn't just because he was friend with Adrian. Noo, she knew.

"H-hey, Y/n." She backed up nervously. "We w-were just talking. R-right, Juleka?"

His head tilted in response. She backed up even more, bumping into Juleka and knocking them both to the floor. She closed her eyes and braced for the fall but after a while and nothing happened, she opened them closing them again when she realized Y/n had caught both girls and was giving her the same smile.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked as he helped them up.

"Yep. All good. Thanks babe." She gave him a peck on the cheek and walked away with a goodbye wave. "See you guys tomorrow."

Chloe let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding and tried to leave but her heart nearly stopped when she realized Y/n was still holding her hand. She looked up at him and he was still giving her that damn smile.

"It's good to see you ladies getting along. I guess I was worried about nothing, Chloe." He said as patted her shoulder. "Take care of yourself, alright."

It was only after he left that she moved, to sit down for a moment, Sabrina staying by her side, though confused as to what just happened.


Y/n smiled to himself as he walked down the hallway, throwing and catching Chloe's phone in his hand. He had picked her just because, but now that he thought about it, he could use this to his advantage. He switched it off and tucked it in his pocket when he heard voices up ahead.

"Hey, Y/n! Wanna come over for game night?" Nino called out once he saw him.  Y/n thought about his schedule and decided it could wait. At least for one day.

Y/n shrugged and joined the two boys waiting for him. "Sure why not."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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