Bring It On, Fate, 'Cause I'm Ready

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Yn work up with a start when he realized the sunlight on his face was too bright for it to be early morning. He turned sharply to his clock to confirm what he already knew. In bold letters 10:59. He let out a cry of despair as it changed to 11:00.

"No, no, no, no, nooooo!! This can't be happening. I overslept. Dad *no answer* Dad!! *Still no answer* This is bad today is picture day."

Scrambling to get out of bed, he tripped and fell face first unto the floor. Oww. Rubbing his aching jaw, yn began undress/hopping to the bathroom. Tripping over his pants almost falling but caught himself in time. He hurried into the shower before it could even warm up, it's icy-ness fully waking him. 

Yn dashed into the kitchen after his shower and putting on his pants. His shoes were on but not laced and his hair was wet and partially combed with the comb stuck in it. On the fridge was a note which said:


With a groan and small smile, yn shook his head at how caring his dad was. But also now he's missed school. Hopefully Juleka will be fine, after all her friends are there with her.
"Guess there's nothing to do about it. Oh well." *Sigh* he began to relax when he remembered.

"Oh Crap. I forgot picture day only happens after all classes are done. I can still make it if I hurry. What do I need? What do I need?"

"Food." Glanced down to see he'd subconsciously been eating all this while. "That's done. Shoes, check. Pants, check. Breathe mint check." *he popped one in his mouth* "Damnit I need a shirt and my phone. Ughh, I have a phone, why didn't I set an alarm."

Quickly putting the plate in the sink, yn ran back into his room and rummaged through his clothes until finding a shirt that smelt clean.

"Need to do laundry, and shopping and clean my room and gah, I'm getting sidetracked. Phone, where's my phone."

Spinning around the room he saw it sitting on his desk with the screen down.

"There it is." Grabbing it and turning it on, his frustration increase drastically when the phone responded with a Low battery alert. Gripping it tightly while trying to keep his emotions in, yn recited a favorite phrase he had learnt.

"Kore wa nanimo imi shinai, Kore wa nanimo imi shinai, Kore wa nanimo imi shinai. Deep breath and out."

Combing his hair while chanting the mantra. Feeling rather relaxed now, yn put the phone in his pocket then quickly put on the shirt, grabbed his wallet and keys and finally put on his jacket.

"I am fully prepared." He said out loud, feeling a sure burst of confidence and energy.
With a nod, he walked out the apartment making sure to lock the door behind him and began to desend the stairs only to trip over his still untied shoes laces, tumbling the whole way down landing hard on his butt.

Yn sat there, thinking of everything that had happened on the one morning he overslept. The feelings of anger, regret rage began to rise again but chanting his mantra over and over again, he kept his cool.

"No matter what you throw at me, fate, I will overcome it because the cutest sweetest girl is waiting for me. And I would be an idiot to let her down." He shouted out arm raised high.

With a firm goal in mind, yn marched out the building to accomplish it.


Hawkmoth had been having a very frustrating morning much more than usual. He could feel so much powerful negativity coming from one person but before he could attempt to akumatize it, the energy disappeared.

This infuriating cycle happened over and over the rest of the morning. And this wasn't the first time either. For about a week he had been fighting his own anger trying to find the source of the energy but to no avail. Whoever it was, had a deep hatred but buried it where he couldn't reach. Another Rush of emotions hit him and he almost ignored it but it felt different, less powerful yet consistent. A smirk grew as he latched on sending his akuma their way.

His grin grew wider when he saw it was a teen-aged girl with long black hair and purple highlight at the tips, crouching in a bathroom clutching her phone crying whiles redialing a number repeatedly.

Never Forget (Male Reader X Miraculous Ladybug)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon