"Don't even sweat it, no one will remember the dress. The diploma is what matters!"

"Ugh no need to get all nerdy on me, I know that. But the outfit definitely has to eat as well. I mean after all, this is literally what I come here for, the fashion degree or are we forgetting?"

"I'm aware oh by the way after you find your fit, I need you to pick mine out" She smiled flipping her voluminous curls over her shoulder.

"Of course you do" I replied rolling my eyes at her. Honestly aside from worrying about my outfit, I also worried about what comes after graduation. It was like being a senior in highschool all over again as I anticipated being accepted into any modeling angency

"Is Justin gonna be there?"

"Of course not, he doesn't even know what day the ceremony will be"

"Why on earth haven't you told him?"

"It's Justin's extra ass we're talking about.....he'd do something crazy like arrive in a helicopter and have a shit-ton of gifts waiting for me"

Her eyes shifted to the left as if she were looking into an imaginary camera then back to me. "I'm sorry is that a problem or something? Girl you're so weird "

"How am I weird for not wanting the attention?"

"Babes.....your boyfriend is Justin Bieber...even without him present, you'll be getting attention. Everywhere we go on campus, everyone is always staring at you. Have you not noticed?"

"No usually I try to ignore everyone around me. I basically just daydream as I walk, ya know?"

"Not you getting used to the Hollywood lifestyle" she snickered

"Ew no haha," I laughed before checking the time on my phone "you got plans for today? Wanna come over and watch twilight?"

"As lovely as that sounds, I have to go see one of my professors about an assignment his lazy ass has yet to grade...ugh ... but let's meet later for dinner?"

"Can't...I'll be up all night applying to agencies. "

"Bummer well I'll see you tomorrow girl!"

"Okay, don't go too hard on that man"

"Oh he's gonna hear whatever from me, bye hun" she waved after grabbing her notebook filled tote and latte. That girl is insane..she does not play when it comes to her grades

I sighed as I decided to linger around a bit and remain sitting on the campus' bench. It was such a gorgeous day.....the sky was bright blue without a single cloud in the sky. I lived for weather like this..

It kind of reminds me of the weather in LA.

I don't know, would it really be that insane to leave? After receiving advice from Jade, I figured I'd get some form of opinion from the only other person that caused me to hesitate on moving.


"I'm sorry, what the hell did you just say?"

I arrived home in a blink of an eye. After settling in my lovely apartment, I decided I would call my other best friend to get some opinions on what I was stuck contemplating at the moment. Now did I expect Jackson to be completely against it? Yes, yes absolutely but maybe I need to hear some cons after hearing so many pros with Jade. That way I could see which side outweighs the other

"Hmmm just that Justin wants me to move in with him. What do you think?"

"Wait you're not actually thinking of going are you?" His tone suddenly got high pitched which caused me to silently laugh.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't. Do you really think it's a bad idea or is just because you don't like him?"

"Um well if I'm being honest, now that I think about it, I do believe leaving Maryland may be a good thing for you."

My eyes widened "What?! Really?!"

"Yeah I mean I feel like ever since you moved here from home, you haven't been truly thriving as you should be, career wise. Mentally you've made so much improvement since the day we met but I know how badly you want to be a model. What better place to chase those dreams than LA?"

"Wow" My jaw practically dropped to the ground. I quickly checked the caller ID to ensure I was actually talking to Jackson. I couldn't believe I was hearing this from him out of all people "Seriously?"

"Yeah but I'm only saying this because I want you to chase your dreams. Please don't think I actually like that jerk. I'm only agreeing to this because I know you'll get signed in LA."

"Oh wow, I really thought you'd be flipping tables"

"Haha no...if you really are thinking of moving in with him then I'm trusting you to actually trust him. I'm not worried. Plus if he does anything wrong, I'll be on the first flight down to drag his ass."

It's the way I could actually hear his smile as he said that last part. He truly wants any excuse to fight Justin, my goodness

"Wow, well then I guess it's settled. Right after graduation, I'm moving back home"

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