Chapter 4

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            I got up from the beasts side and turned to face my hunting party. "We should take it back to the village for food tonight" she started looking at me bewildered. As we prepared for the beast to be tooken back Blane pulled me to the side again and it was getting very tiring. He started to whisper,"We need to find out if there going to stay in the village or just visit and how long." "I know i was gonna ask them on the way back" i whispered back. As i walked out of the bushes Star looked impatient so i picked up one of the ropes to help carry it back.

             "Hey your back finally" Daisy anounced as everyone looked towards us they gave confused looks and hushed whispers between each other at Star and Cloud.

            As my father walked out of the house to greet the new comers we set it down next to the huge bonfire for cooking later that night. My father had just heard the news about the new comer and i was walking towards him after finding an open house in the village for Cloud and Star to live in for the time being. " Hi, I hope its ok for Star and Cloud to stay here for a little while" I asked in a hopeful voice.

          I listened to the quiet rushing of the river when Blane as silent as wind came up behind me. I turned surprised when i saw that he was there. "Hi" he said casually. "Hi what's up" I asked looking back down at the gleaming that sound mute because all my attention was on Blane. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out together" He asked looking at me with his hopeful eyes. I looked at him and gave him a smile," Yes." We turned and looked at the small stream and started to talk.

         As we got up it was late at night and we started to walk through the small short brush that was surrounding us. We were holding hands all through the short stretch of forest to the camp. As we got back everyone had just eaten and were heading of to sleep. There were very few people out drouzily humming to a song they had sung while they were eating.

        We headed over to the fire to grab some of what was left of the food. It was a lightly roasted linger that had some herbs that had been lightly sprinkled to perfection. We sat down next to the quiet fire that was left for us to put out. As we finished our food we said goodbye to each other and headed off to sleep.

       There was about two people left passed out on logs and stumps. As i reached our house Daisy raced out of the house in a heap of fear that something had happened to me. As she and i met she started to fire questions at me,"where were you, who were you with, why were you gone so long?" As she stopped to catch her breath i answered," I was with Blane hanging out in the woods by that little stream talking." I walked passed her as she started to follow me as i had already gone through the threshold.

        I turned around to face as i reached the room i slept in. She stopped in her tracks as she stared at me in confusion and i said,"I'm going out with Blane."

        Why did i just say that i can't believe i just said that i said to myself.

        Why do i have to be so careless sometimes i started to punish myself in my head as daisy kept staring at my now in confusion and in amazement." So you Mist my little sister is going out with my best friend that is the same as me" She said still in amazement. "Wow, that's all i can say is wow" she continued as she started to walk to where she slept talking to herself.

       Well now i don't have to worry about telling everyone my sister the blabber mouth of the town will tell everyone for me i said to myself as i went into the room and sat down and started to sharpen my arrows for tomorrow.

      The next day Daisy had let me sleep in and had gone hunting with Coral. She was obviously gonna tell her about me and Blane right as they were in the woods. Then Coral would tell the whole town and everyone would know that they were going out.

      I got up from my dreams that i followed in wonder every night and went down to get some breakfast. There was leftovers from the night before that were cold and frozen from the nightly breeze that flowed through the forest in aw. As i left the house me and Blane met up and started to head towards the warm Bonn fire that had been made for each of the cold mornings.

      We sat down next to warmth of the bright flame that burned until the sun came up started to warm the earth. We left the camp for a hunt and to talk more. We were out in the woods talking and pretending to hunt because the only reason were out here is to talk. We just had used hunting as an excuse. It was about the middle of the day and we had no plans on heading home we were going to be out until dark.

        When we were going to get back we knew that the whole town would look at us and whisper to the person they had been talking to. So we planned to stay out until all of them had gone to sleep. We still hadn't caught anything except each others gaze and conversation.

       As the sun began to fall and the moon began to rise we were by the pond next to some bushes. The pond had a light glow over it and shined like a million light bugs. We had stopped talking and were just staring at the misterious glow of the pond.




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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2011 ⏰

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