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      It was a warm summer evening and daisy a short beautiful elf was sharpening some arrows on tall rock her hair shining gold in the sun light. "Daisy were are you", Coral was calling while walking by the silver pillar.Daisy turned to see who was calling to her and saw coral running towards her. "Daisy your father wants you at the house right away", Coral said while turning to start pulling her away from what she was doing. The wind was blowing in my short hair my pet was out searching for one of her friends to. I am Mist and i was about to be a big part of a guest, but i had known about it yet. Daisy is my older sister she is 17 and i am only 12.

       "Hey Daisy can i come and hunt with you later", I called to her.She had just kept on walking towards the house. I turned to silverleaves my cat and asked,"Have you ever had a sister?" The beautiful silver tabby replied,"No, I have three brothers all older than me.""Oh" i muttered barely able to be heard. "Lets go hunting i want to show my sister that i am just as good as her by catching a linger" i said to silverleaves. silverleaves was walking along beside and said,"But they are a level 8 monster there one of the strongest monsters by the town." "Thats why i'm gona kill it" i explained with a excited voice.

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