Chapter 1

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                                                                         chapter 1

         As we walked through the warm rays of the sun shining through the trees as we walked into the forest of the elves. The wind was blowing east and it smelled of sweet white Lillie's. Silverleaves was babbling on about not going into the forest to kill a linger a tall yellow beast with claws as long as a young elf It has sharp teeth perfect for meat and it was one of the hardest beasts to kill in the forest next to the town. "Listen silver i am going to be fine i have my sisters skills" I explained." Well..." she stopped as i started to look away looking for were the strong smell of linger was coming from.

        " Whats wrong" she continued after noticing me. "Its near" i whispered,"lets go" i continued. I started to run and jump over shallow roots of trees. I could tell the linger was close so i needed to find a good shooting point. The wind was coming towards which was perfect if he was in front of me. The wind blew quickly now as though we were right next to the coast, it smelled of the ocean now and there was no ocean supposed to be near here. I slowed down to a slow walk and continued through the lush under brush. When i continued a few more bow lengths a huge cliff ended the ground and below the cliff the ocean washed up against the rocks of the cliff.

        "Why is there a cliff here silver isn't it supposed to continue on to a desert?" i asked. I looked around and saw the linger i was  looking for and it was in a perfect shooting point. I pulled my bow off my back and pulled the arrow out of its shaft. I set myself for the perfect head shot and i pulled the arrow back. It was going to be my first kill i thought. I aimed right for the beasts head and i released once it looked straight at me. With one blow the beast fell in agony and i thanked the lord for the meat it carries and the kill i got. I had started to get it ready to carry it back as Blane a friend of Daisy's and he looked at the linger at my feet with my silver arrow in its head and looked up at me. " Did you kill this" he muttered just loud enough for me to hear. "Yes" i replied in a Stern voice "now will you help me carry it back to the town so i can show my father my amazing kill i got?" I continued. As he helped me finish getting it ready for the trip he was silent not asking how i did it or how hard it was to get my aim.

          When we got back to my house i called my father to see and daisy had also came out. As he came out and saw the silver arrow in the beasts head and all the blood on the ground he was amazed to see me standing there missing an arrow in my shaft and came running to congratulate me. My sister still stood outside the door probably wondering how i did it and she finally had came to stand in front of me. "How did you do it it's one of the hardest beasts to kill outside the town" my father asked. I ignored him for the moment trying to tell her without talking. i pulled my arrow out of its head and started to clean it off i dipped it in the stream as Daisy finally asked" How did you do it?" I turned because i could barely hear her and i replied with a quiet unexcited voice,"The forest ends in a cliff and ocean instead of turning to desert."

          "I am going out hunting again see ya in a little while" i yelled back to her as i was running off towards the forest. "Where are we going Mist" Silverleaves yowled while trying to keep up with me. "We are going to the cliff to explore why it is cut off" i explained. As i came up to the cliff i noticed a whole next to a tree trunk in its roots. I came to the cliff and i started to climb my way down as silver was telling me to not go down there and that i might fall, but i ignored her as i was climbing down i came to a whole in the wall so i climbed into it while silver stayed where she was. The whole was dark and dusty yet it had a mystic feeling when i was inside it. There were two statues in the entrance of cats.

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