The boys laughed at the response, Scout carefully mixing his drink. The cabin was rather spacious with the small wooden table they were sitting at next to the window and a couch in front of the fireplace in the living room. It had two bedrooms, one to the side and another one up where the attic was supposed to be. Very cozy for a place so rid of life really.
They finished their cups of tea, stars already adorning the night sky.
Despite the warm atmosphere, Krampus seemed troubled, playing with his half empty mug.

Grave kept his eyes on the cup as he spoke, "Uncle.. I have been meaning to ask you... What happened to the village?"

".. Honestly haven't got a clue.. It was already torn down by the time I arrived.."

"Do you think whoever did it is still out there...sir?" asked Scout.

"I am not certain... But I do know that this place is dangerous...and whatever did attack those villagers does not appear very friendly either... My children, you have risked a lot coming out here... And for all I know it's a one way trip too... *sigh* I just.. cannot believe someone actually came after so long... My goodness it was definitely not a couple of kids I thought would be the first to reach this land...! " he cupped Grave's hands into his own, "Kiddo, think of your father, he will go mad when he finds out you left!"

"... H- He already knows, uncle..."

Krampus pinched the bridge of his nose, "Oh my poor brother... What must be going through his soul right now... *sigh* Look, as much as I am touched that you went out of your way to find me... It burdens me to know that you two may never get back home because of me..."

"B-But we have the book! The one that opens the portal!" pointed Scout.

"I know, I know... Even if we find that portal it does not mean it would activate... Or still be in one piece in the first place... And if that is the case, it means you are trapped as well.. "

Grave cut him off, "It doesn't matter, uncle! Yes we risked a lot, yes it wasn't the greatest thought out plan... But we could not just let you die here alone.. Uncle Sinister almost went insane trying to find you... Father still mourns the day you left and... Frost Spirit needs you.."

Krampus closed his eyes, ".. my son..." he sighed, feeling a tear stream down his cheek which he brushed away swiftly. "Although I am not pleased you two decided to do something so reckless... I am grateful you are here... I would have wished the circumstances to be brighter but you both are safe now and that is what's important...I am sorry you-"

"Uncle, this wasn't your fault, stop acting like it was! You were exiled against your will! It was our choice to come and help! And we will get out, I promise!"

The man smiled sadly, "I always knew you were ambitious... Very well, I will aid you with whatever I can, but for now, you two should go to bed.. It's getting very late and you must be tired! We will continue this in the morning"

Grave wanted to talk more, to explain his 'situation' to his uncle, to ask him for guidance but he couldn't deny the fact that he was exhausted.. And judging from Scout's half closed eyes, he was too. He grabbed his friend's hand, Krampus leading them up to the bedroom, bidding them good night, he closed the door, darkness settling in the room. The boy felt himself relax next to Scout who was already almost asleep. Right as he was about to close his eyes for good, he heard a small sleepy voice whisper.

"... Grave, can I ask you something?"

".. What Scout?"

"Your uncle has a point... We made it here.. How do we make it back?"

"We will figure it out as we go along... If we could open the portal once we could do it again... I am sure we can"

".. Yeah.. Y-You're right! I just hope Com' doesn't rip our heads off for this"

"... I can always run away"

Scout lighlty elbowed Grave in the ribs, "And leave me behind you punk?!"

They chuckled together, this really is one wild adventure isn't it? How they made it this far, Grave could not wrap his head around, but one thing is for sure, they are in too deep to give up... Not now...when everyone depends on them...

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