She sassed, clicking her tongue. The women never failed to intrigue him.

"I'm your fiance."

A possession he felt primal to let her know.

"Sorry, what? Come again."

She said moving her ear closer to him. Regardless of the mocking in her voice, he was amused.

"Nina. Do you want me to throw you over my shoulder?"

He quirked his brows in a challenge and she leaned in daring him to do that.

"You can't take me."

She reasoned, putting her hands on her waist.

"These muscles ain't just a show"

She tilted her head to take a better look at him.

Right, he has veiny and taunt muscles. A rugged build. They are muscular and stiff. Why did he have to be attractive? Those biceps are surreal. Dang, the man is darn handsome.

"Spare me the details and leave me so I can go home. I can't drag your bipolar ass."

She grumbled giving a sullen look.

Not caring about his existence she walked to the trash can and discarded a soda can she finished earlier

"I'm here to take you."

"I didn't ask you to. "

She sulked, he attempted to stand before her but she walked away not caring about the man following her.

"Just do me a favor and get in."

He wryly said.

"I really wanna punch your gut right now without punching you."

"How sad"

Ishita stood beside her bookstore and give Advik an encouraging smile. They both are hot-headed and impossible.

"You know" -she said, turning her gaze to the side of the road and pointing at a car that was a little distance away -"The car over there" Then looking at him she pointed her pointing finger in her chest -"Is mine."

"Mine is probably better than yours. Why not give it a try?"

She was flabbergasted, mouth wide, and eyes as open, jaw slacked, hanging in the air. He is cheeky. So full of himself.

"Did you just throw an insult at me just because I don't have a custom-made car? FYI I don't need you like I'm a damsel in distress."

She screamed at him as he winched and moved his head a little.

"For a moment I thought I had gone deaf."

Before he could proceed she pinched him hard on his arm. He hissed and rubbed the place.

"I want to smother you with a pillow."

She gave an outrageous look, the wrong move.

"The same you will use to muffle screams?"

She blushed crimson and clenched her jaw clenching and unclenching her fist. Before she gets in her defense and starts to abuse him he mocked a surrender.

"You are narcissistic and egoist.

She rebuked.

"Thanks, I guess they are my flaws, darling."

"That wasn't a compliment you dumb ass Malhotra. Just the sight of you and my blood pressure is high."

Her face paints irk, she is being difficult and he is freaking insane.

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