
She hummed. I nibbled my lips, I don't doubt my best friend. She might have been thinking about the girl he had visualized recently as his girlfriend through sources and gossip.

"Just so you know I'm not doubting him over those long-ass news portals. Either he had to marry you or manage to get a few broken bones. But I can't just undo the dislike."

She grumbled, showing off her masochist persona.

"He wasn't even there for you in his own fucking engagement that's fucking red signal. You know we can run away and can settle in Antarctica."

She exclaimed, throwing off her hands. I jabbed my elbow in her stomach to bring her attention to me.

"And I can store your dead cold body in ice too."

"Then why not kidnap him and send him there?"

She pondered with a smug look. I swear she is the most underrated villain in real time.

"Meh! You are welcome to go to jail."

I said stretching my hands and cracking knuckles, regardless of what my best friend threatened. She can be pretty obnoxious.

"I'm shitting over the article where they say he was in a very serious relationship with his ex. I swear I will kill him if that guy is thinking of me as a rebound."

I'm not ready to believe those articles, I have no right to characterize and judge by a few headlines and pictures. But a fear crept in me, he didn't confirm anything but their pictures and captions say otherwise.

"Count me in."

She radiated from beside. This girl and violence are like the other half. I rolled my tongue against the inside of my cheeks.

"Do you think I'm silly to be terrified of this whole thing?"

The way my heart sped up was no state of normalcy. But the whole thing messed with my brain. First, my father then the whole family acted like I wasn't with them. I was hurt at first but Papa tried to reason how nice Advik is.

Sorry, not convinced.

"No, I think you are being reasonable for the first time in your life."

I rolled my eyes.

"We don't choose to love Shen. But it's good if we make an effort to guard our hearts. First heartbreak leaves scars. Love dies faster than it grows."

There's a myriad of emotions in her voice. She wasn't apparently talking about me. She probably didn't move on, not thoroughly and I supported her. Maybe someday she will.

"Is that why you let Hridey go?"

I tentatively asked. We don't talk about him.

It came out randomly. I shouldn't have slipped it out.

"He was in love all along with his best friend. I was a distraction."

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