hu I kinda like that

armin" so. can he have visitors?"

sam" yea.but you can't tuch his chest"

armin noded as I opened the door

my friend was laying there. blood stain bandages were wrapped around his chest and upper neck. there was an i.v drip and finally a small tube down his nose to keep him breathing

sam" hey brother. if you can here me. your going to be fine"

eren" hey (y/n). Good to see your still breathing. listen the survey corps wanna thank you for what you did"

pieck then tryd to hug him

sam" PIECK we can't tuch his chest"

pieck" I can't help it. my wittle (y/n) needs snuggles"

God i forgot about her blood crush on-


the room fell silent as everyone slowly turned there heads towards mikasa who had her pistol drawn on pieck

pieck" what are you doing?"

mikasa" your trying to flert my MY boyfriend"

pieck" what?"

armin" mikasa what are you talking about?"

mikasa" if anyone is get his heart. its me"

piecks shocked expression was quickly replaced by angry as she pulled out her pistol

pieck" I should have known. someone else would fall for him"

sam" ok ladys let's just take a deep breath and try and calm down"

pieck and mikasa" BUTT OUT!!!"



this time it was Sasha with her little 2 shot pistol


oh yea I forgot about that

pieck " well I spoon cuddle him every that means noth-"




this time it was 2 people. historia and ymir. historia had her gun on sasha and ymir had her gun on mikasa

ymir" I dont think I agree with your previous statement ackerman. when his current options are between food whore, sleepy whore, grumpy whore are me and my beloved historia . I think its pritty oveas who he picks"

historia" yea!"


I wish I could anser that

I was just sitting in the corner waiting for this situation to stop since I didn't wanna risk getting shot


oh you have gotta be kidding me

this time it was petra with her side arm

this time it was petra with her side arm

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petra" everyone put your guns down. all 5 of you are wrong"

sasha" how?"

petra" because im the one he'll end up marring"

at this point I think (y/n)'s the lucky one as he doesn't have to experience this

mikasa" explain ral"

petra" im a perfect shot. he's a perfect shot. need i say more?"

annie" yea. you do"

with in less then a second Annie had her sword against petra's neck and her glock amed at pieck

the room was now silence

the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife

all 7 girls were glaring daggers at echother. just dearing themselves and the competition to pull the trigger

armin" I'VE GOT IT"

everyone then turned to him and he chucked clearly imbarest

armin" sorry. any way why not a little friendly competition"

Annie" im confused"

sasha" no. your Annie leonhart"

Annie" sasha im gonna strangle you"

armin" heres what I've been thinking about ever since ummm.............petra pulled out her gun. the first person to get (y/n) to like them first. gets the right to date him"

the girls looked back at echother

pieck" sounds fear"

mikasa" im ok with that"

sasha" ok"

ymir" I dont see why not"

historia" shouldn't be to hard"

petra" why not"

Annie" thats it? OK im in"

then they all simultaneously put there guns away

historia then starts to skip out of the room

ymir" where are you going?"

historia" we'll I've been sticking up on sugar, flour and chocolate. an i figure he's going to feel bad when he wakes up so I feel like he'll feel better if he wakes up to the smell of fresh home made cookies"

After historia left the room every girl apart from ymir panicked a little


sasha then ran out of the room

petra" I think there's some old bike junk in the spear parts yard. he'll like that"

as petra starts to leave mikasa started to fast walk behind her

mikasa" OH NO YOU DONT"

After that they both started sprinting towards where there going

Annie" I gotta go get something. ill be back when he wakes up"

Annie then walked out. shortly after pieck left with out saying any thing

ok I dont know weather to be happy for (y/n) or feel sceard for him

berthholdt" someone wanna tell me what just happened?"

reiner" simple. (y/n)'s a chad"

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