For the First Time

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JJ and Y/N are left in the police station while Y/N is building a profile and the team is on their way to the location of the new body. Y/N was staring at the bulletin board too intensely that she didn't notice JJ coming inside the conference room. "Okay, thank you, Garcia. I'll tell Y/N since she's with me right now." JJ ended the call and went beside Y/N to check up on her.

"Hey, you okay? You've been staring at the board for a while now. Is there something bothering you?"  JJ sat on the table and waited for Y/N's reply. "Yeah, I'm fine. The victimology seems to shift with the recent body they've found. He seems like he is devolving or either the victim was an opportunity since the unsub knows we're boxing on him." Y/N said and pulled a chair to sit in front of JJ. Y/N placed her head on JJ's lap and JJ played with Y/N's hair knowing it helps her feel relaxed. "Maybe he is devolving. The media is already at the crime scene, they're having a field day with that." The team arrived back at the station, causing Y/N and JJ to stand up and meet up with the team. Given that they have found solid evidence that can catch the unsub, Emily and Y/N were tasked to catch the unsub at his endgame location.

In the car, Y/N kept playing with her ring and Emily noticed it. "Something's bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N was quick to shut the question down."No, Emily. We have a serial killer to catch and I want to catch that sick son of a bitch." It is rare for Y/N to act that way and Emily understood that she should let the subject go and wait for when Y/N is ready to tell her the problem. They have arrived at the location, "Okay Em. You take the front and I take the back. We'll corner him from the inside." Emily nodded and went to the front. Y/N went to the back, she saw the unsub from a little window pacing back and forth with a knife in his hand. Y/N kicked the door, "Mike, we're the FBI. We need you to put that knife down." Y/N is trying to distract the unsub while Emily is freeing his victims. "You don't understand why I have to do this. You don't understand!" The unsub frantically says and pointed the knife at Y/N/. "I know, so help me understand. Help us understand, Mike. That's why we need you to put the knife down so you can tell us why you're doing this."  Mike then ran towards Y/N. 

JJ and the rest of the team arrived at the location, hearing the gunshot. Everyone froze on their spot and waited for someone to radio them what happened inside. They saw Emily come out of the house with the unsub's last victims, "Y/N's still inside. Our unsub is still alive. She didn't hit anything fatal on him." Hotch and Morgan ran inside to check on the situation and they saw Y/N cuffing Mike. "You alright, kid?" Hotch asked as Y/N handover Mike to Morgan. "Yeah, but I need to talk to you." You pulled Hotch to the other room and said, "I'm leaving the BAU, Hotch. I have no control over this, and so do you. The higher-ups were the ones who arranged this." Hotch sighed and said, "Do you really want to leave, Y/N? I can talk to Strauss about this. The team needs you, we need you here." 

"There's nothing we can do, sir. I know it's hard but I have to. I only have until the end of this week, then after that, I drive to Pentagon." Y/N said while looking around to try and focus on something. "If that's the case then, we're glad to have you on this team. If you decide to come back, the door is always open for you." Y/N and Hotch shook hands and hugged each other before going back to the team outside. 

On the jet, Y/N sat beside Emily and said, "I apologize for snapping at you earlier. I have no excuse for my behavior and that was very unprofessional of me. That's me apologizing as SSA Y/L/N. Now I'm going to apologize as Y/N. I'm sorry for being shitty at you in the car back there. I understand you were just concerned and I acted like a jerk at my friend." Emily placed her hand above Y/N's, "It's okay, we're okay. I know you'll tell me once you feel better. Are you ready to talk now?" Y/N sighed and told Emily what she said to Hotch. 

Jennifer Jareau x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora