Something Beautiful

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JJ's P.O.V

I just got home after a long case in Alaska. It was heartbreaking since the victims are children ages below 10. I put my bag down beside my shoe rack and placed my gun back in the compartment near the door. I went to the kitchen and grab a glass and wine then I went to my bathroom to try and wash the images away from the case. After I had my shower, I went out to my balcony and immediately felt the cool breeze of November. I sat on the chair and looked up at the sky, seeing the stars which doesn't happen often. I felt relaxed and I closed my eyes then I heard someone playing their guitar. I opened my eyes and looked where it was coming from. I saw that my neighbor is also out on her balcony with a guitar, notepad, and a pen. I heard her singing softly, trying to find the right words to her song. She looked up and saw me looking at her and she smiled.

"Sorry, was I bothering you? I'll try to keep it down, I'm sorry." She said. I immediately shook my head and said, "Not at all. Please, don't stop on my account. I enjoy hearing you hum softly." She smiled and continued doing her work while I stole glances from time to time. A few minutes later she asked, "Since you already kind of heard it, do you want to properly hear it? I just thought maybe a new pair of ears would be nice."
"Of course, let's hear it." She then strummed her guitar and sang.


I'm afraid of everything I'm afraid of everything I'm not afraid of you

And time,
It changes everything
It changes everything

And so I wait for you"

After she sang, I was smiling at her. Her voice is beautiful and so does the song she wrote. "Wow, that's beautiful. How long ago did you wrote it?" I asked her genuinely. "A while ago, like a couple of hours ago."

"Well, it's beautiful. By any chance, do you do this for a living or it's just a hobby that you and your four walls only know about it?"  She laughed then said, "A little bit of both. I'm a songwriter, I occasionally co-write with Taylor Swift and mostly write for other artists too. How about you, what do you do? This is the first time I've seen you outside."

"I work for the FBI under the Behavioral Analysis Unit as a profiler. A case we were on was just heavy since it involved kids. I can't say much but that's all you'll get." I told her and she nod in understanding. "Well Ms. FBI, this was nice but I'll have to get back inside and finish the demo I'm working on. If you need anything, just call me out here on the balcony. Good night, Ms. Profiler." 

"Good night, nightingale. It's nice meeting you." With that, she went in and I stayed a little bit longer finishing the last drop of wine I have. 


I'm currently running late to the studio as I finished the demo tracks for Milo Greene's album. As I entered the hallway the elevator is about to close and good thing Ms. Profiler saw me running towards the elevator. "Good morning Ms. Profiler. You just saved someone's life first thing in the morning." I greeted her while I'm trying to catch my breath. "Easy there nightingale, good morning to you too. Looks like you spent the whole night inside your makeshift studio." 

"I did, since today's the day I present to my friend the songs I have written specifically for his band." We reached the parking lot, bid our farewell, and went our separate ways. I arrived at the studio with Robbie waiting for me near the door, "You had a long night? Who's the lucky one?" I bumped his shoulder and said, "Shut up, Robbie. I was working on your album, now let's drop this topic and talk about you. How are you and Lizzie?" Our meeting went long as we were finalizing the track order and a possible release date for their album.

After our meeting, I went to Fats Fairfax as there's a live acoustic event held every Friday and I'll be performing tonight. I went straight to the bar and greeted my friend Max who owns the place and also bartends behind the bar. "Hey Max, I see you got a full house tonight. I wonder what's the occasion."

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