Chapter 11

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A/N: Woah, I'm alive 

Peter ran into the tree line, and turned to wait for his friend, who didn't show. He did however find James and Regulus who were thankful to find the other, although that meant that the other was in trouble.

They waited, staring at the manor, listening for anything; a shout, crash,  explosion, anything.

It wasn't until several minutes that the door was busted open, and flames infiltrated the manor, swallowing it whole.

The fire spread quick, catching on anything flammable, luck for it, there was a forest merely meters away for it to feed on.

In just second, flames were surrounding the boys who had taken cover in the tree line. The fire was too quick for them to do anything. The heat was beating against their skin before fully engulfing them

Their lungs filled with smoke and their eyes shut once and for all as death consumed them.

The entire estate was  destroyed, killing all being inside. The only survivor having been Kreacher, the house elf who had fled before he could be harmed. 


Back at Hogwarts, the four boys awoke suddenly, Sirius having had woken up prior. The boys were gasping for air as if they had just been holding their breath for a long period of time.

Remus, reaching over onto his bedside table, grabbed his wand and cased a quick spell to tell him the exact date and time: Monday, December 12th,  10:47 am. Not only was it a week till the Christmas holidays, but they were late to their classes on a Monday.

It was all a dream.


A/N short ending but I didn't want to leave it uncompleted.

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