Chapter 3

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The first two days of the holiday were, as usual, he spent most of the time in his room, alone, minus when his parents would ask for him to sit with them and keep them company, which was always just them sitting in silence or his parents speaking while he was ignored.

Tuesday afternoon, Regulus had been asked to meet his parents in the study, Walburga and Orion had sent Kreacher to deliver said message.

Regulus made his way to his father's study after lunch, knocking on the closed door upon arrival.

The door was opened by his mother who was waiting in the study with Orion for their son.

"Regulus," The lady greeted, allowing him to enter.

"You wanted to speak with me?" He questioned. Of course, they chose to meet in the study which was found on the far end of the manor, and not one of the many much closer sitting rooms.

"Sit down first, we're in no rush," She said sternly, turning around to sit down next to her husband on one side of the desk, Regulus sitting on the other side.

"Regulus, I know we've discussed this before and decided to wait until next year, but we've been talking and your mother and I think it's time you get the dark mark," Orion stated.

Regulus' face fell. "Now?" He choked out.

"Well, we'd have to wait until the next meeting, so on the twenty-fourth," Walburga corrected.

"Christmas eve?" Regulus questioned. "You want me to get the dark mark on Christmas eve?"

"Just think of it as any other day," Orion replied.

"This is a huge step and will furthermore prove your loyalty to the Dark Lord," Walburga had a certain glint in her eyes that Regulus didn't like.

"I thought we were waiting until I was seventeen?" Regulus questioned. They were supposed to have been waiting until he was in his final year of school.

"Yes, well, think of it as an early Christmas gift," Walburga said, holding her head high.

"We haven't celebrated Christmas in years," Regulus quietly pointed out.

"Well, we're a busy bunch, and you'll be even busier once you pledge yourself to the dark lord," Regulus could feel his face growing cold as the blood rushed out of it. Christmas eve was only three days away, that wasn't very long.

"We'll continue this discussion later, make sure to get Kreacher to iron your good robes," Of course, Regulus had many pairs of 'good robes' so it was just a matter of figuring out what Walburga would want him to wear.

Regulus was dismissed and went straight back to his room, shutting the door behind him. Was it too late to run away with his brother?

Thinking back to his brother, right before he departed, he had called after him, saying to send him an owl if anything were to happen, knowing him, he'd find a way to drag his friends to come and 'rescue' him from the manor, kind of like he tried to do in the first nightmare... which didn't end well, but it was just a dream.

Regulus wouldn't deny it, he had no interest in getting the dark mark, if anything, it scared him. He didn't want to show his loyalty to the so-called 'dark lord'.

Regulus waited until after dinner when he knew both of his parents would be sitting in the drawing room before he exited his room and went up into the attic, which was turned into a makeshift owlery.

The owlery consisted of five owls, two of which were his, one was shared amongst the family, and one for Walburga and the other for Orion.

One of his Owls, Gizmo was perched on top of a ledge, perking up once Regulus entered the attic.

Regulus pulled out his piece of parchment from his pocket, rereading the letter that he had spent so much time writing earlier.

The letter read:


How's your yule break been so far? Mine's been absolutely terrific. Just this afternoon, I was informed that I'll be getting my first tattoo this upcoming Friday, are you jealous? Well, you shouldn't be. Along with the tattoo, I'm selling my soul to the oh-so-gracious Dark Lord. I wasn't planning to ever get any tattoos, you know? I thought it was more of a you thing. Either way, I'm becoming an official member of some shady ass cult run by a madman. I hope you're having fun, I know I sure am.

Your brother,

Regulus B̶l̶a̶c̶k̶

Regulus was tempted to crumble up the letter, burn it or throw it away, but instead of following his instincts, he handed the letter to his small elf owl.

"Bring it straight to Sirius, and don't be seen leaving," Regulus quietly whispered to his owl, before sending him off. His parents were too nosy for their own good. If they were to see Gizmo leaving the manor with a letter, they'd question him, and yes, he could say it was for Barty, but then once they come over for dinner, one of them would 'casually' mention Regulus' sent letter to the other teen.

Frankly, his parents didn't trust him not to owl his brother, and he was only proving them to be right not to trust him. Normally, he wouldn't owl him, he'd just wait until after the holidays to see him, but he didn't have until after the holidays. It was either owl his brother, or escape through the window.

Gizmo flew out of the opened window, flying into the forest before redirecting and beginning his way to Hogwarts.

Regulus decided to stay in the owlery a bit longer, feeding the other owls treats. Four owls sat perched around the room, resting for their next trip. The owls were quick to crowd around the Slytherin once he pulled out a bag of treats for the owls. They mostly did their own hunting for food, but Regulus enjoyed spoiling them with treats whenever he was home.

Regulus reluctantly went to bed around eleven P.M, leaving the owls behind. Gizmo had yet to return so he could only hope he had managed to reach Sirius at Hogwarts.

It was a long flight for the tiny elf owl, his parents had scolded him when he had purchased Gizmo as he's such a small breed of owl, and they claimed it was a 'waste of money', but he cared for Gizmo either way.

Going to sleep just meant that Friday was a day closer, but he eventually allowed sleep to consume him.

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