Chapter 5

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Kreacher was the first to react to the disruption after Regulus. He popped into the foyer of the manor, seeing a scramble of teens, his eyes instantly landing on Sirius, who he knew shouldn't have been there, he was disowned.

The boys all froze and turned to look at the house elf.

"Kreacher!" Sirius yelped.

"What is mister Sirius doing here?" Kreacher muttered, he never did like Sirius,

"He was just leaving," Regulus reassured just as audible footsteps began getting closer and closer.

Mistress and master Black-" Kreacher began.

"Look, Kreacher, there's no point in them knowing he was here, I, master Regulus already know, and I order you not to tell them anything," Regulus didn't like abusing the power he had over the house elf, but they were running out of time.

"Regulus," Sirius mumbled under his breath, "We need to go, now,"

Just as Walburga turned the corner, the group ducked down the hall, sprinting away, they could get back to the floo system afterwards, hopefully, then, professor McGonagal will have left her office.

Walburga caught a glimpse as the five boys turned the corner, fleeing down the hall. Although she wouldn't run as it was improper, she quickly walked after them, gripping her wand in her hand.

She had heard Sirius' voice, and she saw Regulus fleeing away with him and three other boys.

"Kreacher!" She called out, flinging the kitchen door open, which is where the teens had run through just seconds prior.

Kreacher skittishly popped in, having to run to keep up with Walburga's wrath.

"Find the intruders and my son, and bring them to me," She said with a terrifying grin on her face.

Kreacher grumbled a quick "Yes, Mistress," before disappearing into the manor.

Orion had heard the commotion too but by the time he'd gotten to the foyer, both the boys and his wife were gone.

The squad ran through the kitchen, and down the hall that lead to the downstairs entrance of the library.

The plan was to run around the house a bit and hope that they didn't run into Walburga or Orion, and get to the nearest Floo system, but first, they'd need to gain themselves some time because they wouldn't all fit into the floo system together, which meant they'd have to each wait for a turn, or they could go in a pair and squish into one group of three, but by waiting for the first group to floo, Walburga would catch up to them, she was on their heals the entire time.

From the library, they ran up the spiral staircase, which ended up taking too much time, Walburga had managed to catch up to them once they had just got to the top of the stairs. Walburga shot a spell at them, which they barely managed to dodge, but ran out of the room.

They were no doubt out of breath, but they had to get further enough away from the woman that she wouldn't see them ducking into one of the many rooms.

Running past Sirius' old room and Regulus' room, they lunged into a spare bedroom, hoping that if Walburga was to stop, she'd check the boy's room instead of the unused guest room.

As Peter leaned on the door, they all took their time to catch their breaths, which is when Kreacher popped into the room, scaring them all.

"Kreacher!" Regulus yelped in a hushed voice.

"Master Regulus said they'd be gone," Kreacher murmured.

"We're trying to leave, we just need time," Regulus assured.

"Mistress asks of Kreacher to bring intruders and master Regulus to her," Kreacher muttered. He had cleaning to do, he didn't want to be running all across the manor in search of some kids.

"Kreacher, I already told you, we're leaving now," Regulus expressed.

"You know we'd be gone a lot sooner if you were to help us," Sirius pointed out.

Kreacher really did like Regulus, he appreciated the kindness that he showed him, but he also worked for Walburga Black and couldn't betray her like that.

"Kreacher must go clean up ash from the floo system while Master Regulus and friends leave," Kreacher croaked, disappearing, giving them one last chance as he went to clean up the ash they'd left upon their arrival.

The group let out a sigh of relief. Although Kreachere wouldn't help them escape, Kreacher could have brought them straight to Walburga and they'd all be in deep shit.

Walburga seemed to have skipped over the guest room, judging by the yelling that was heard from down the opposite end of the hall.

"If we get back downstairs now, we should avoid a collision with her," Remus stated, listening as the loud footsteps sounded to be turning down a different hall.

The group pondered before deciding to not waste any more time. Peter, who was still leaning against the door, opened it slowly, making them cringe at the squeak of the old hinges.

Running through the halls, and leaping down the stairs, they made it to the floo system, which happened to also be where Orion Black awaited. He was standing to the left of the staircase, just out of anyone descending.

"Regulus," Orion spoke, announcing his presence, twirling his wand in his hand.

"Gah!" They yelped out in surprise.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving," The man said to his son. "Sirius, welcome home," he spoke, turning his attention to his ex-son.

"Orion," Sirius stuttered out.

"I believe your mother's been looking for you, and your... friends," Orion said, turning his nose up at the unwanted guests.

Taking note of Orion's hand on his wand, they took notice of their surroundings, pondering their options. They couldn't all make it through the floo system in time, hell by the time even one of them took a handful of floo powder, Orion would have stopped them already.

Remus was the closest to the door, so he quickly lunged to open the large and heavy door, the others wasting no time in following suit and leaving the manor just as Orion sent a cruciatous curse flying in their direction.

Peter was the furthest away from the door, and so knowing he was at a disadvantage, he turned into his rat animagus and jumped into James' pocket, where he was safe.

Orion followed them out of the house, even after Sirius had slammed the door shut in his face.

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