Chapter Seventeen

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Devon's POV

                   I woke up pretty early the next morning. Looking at the alarm clock behind Kaitlyn, it read 8:32 and I relaxed back into the pillows, knowing this would be the first time she'd slept in in weeks. Thinking back to last night, I felt an amazing rush of ecstasy.  I made love to Kaitlyn. I mated with the most beautiful girl I have ever met. We have officially bound ourselves to each other. Wait. I had sex with Kaitlyn.

                   Glancing down at her sleeping body I started tracing the tattoo that my lips had created on her perfect skin. The vined hourglass was located right under her rib cage on her left side. Mine appeared as well, matching hers to the point, and honestly I really liked it. Sure it was a bit feminine but it was ours. I'm thinking about going and getting an ink tattoo for Kaitlyn, but not her name. Something special like a snowy wolf, or a kitten... Yeah I'm definitely going to have to think of something better.

                   Again I looked at Kaitlyn but this time my gaze locked on her gorgeous face. Everything about her is beautiful. Her voice, her adorable tendencies,  how cute she is. She is absolutely beautiful in every single way and I need her to breath. Last night was the best night of my life and I can just imagine our wedding day. The thought of us getting married doubled my heart rate. I actually asked Kitty to marry me, and the crazier thing is she said yes. Of course I'm wanting it to happen today, but I'm sure it'll be awhile until she wants the event to occur. She was talking to me last night about it. Although I don't agree with it, she doesn't want her friends to think she rushed into a marriage fresh out of high school. I do see her point though.

                   Her sweet face was scrunched up as she nuzzled her nose into my chest, bringing my wandering thoughts back to her sleeping figure.

                  "Stop staring at me." She grumbled, her high pitched twinkly voice startling me.

                   "Sorry babe. You are just so cute." I said not bothering to comply to her demand.

                   She sat up yawning and I watched as she got a glint in her eyes that told me she was awake. Kind of surprising considering she really is not a morning person.

                   "Kiss me if I'm wrong," She flipped over on top of me, suddenly straddling me in a very sexy way. I had to even my breathing as I thought of how she did the same last night, if you know what I mean. "But dinosaurs still exist...right?" This is one of the many reasons I am absolutely in love with this girl, and I felt the urge to rip off her pajamas, but we are in fact in her grandparents house and I am pretty sure I would be murdered in two seconds flat by nearly everyone in the house. She leaned in with her lips slightly pursed, and I pulled her face to mine, our lips almost touching...

                   "Actually I am pretty positive dinosaurs never went extinct but are in fact being held at Area Fifty One." Tyler walked in completely ruining the moment. As soon as Kitty heard him she fell sideways off the bed taking the bedspread with her and I sat up holding back laughter at how cute she was sitting in a mess of blankets looking up at her cousin blushing.

                   "Or maybe developed enough technology and went to another galaxy. No worries fam. I was just coming in to see what we are doing today. How about a picnic on the beach with the grandparents, mom, the twins and I? Up to you." He shrugged at Kaitlyn who nodded her head at him.

                   "Sounds perfect. I'll get ready and then meet you downstairs to help make it." She answered him, standing up.

                   "Wait..." He turned towards me.

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