Part 🫡 16

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Sup bitches
When i was walking i heard a bush Russell " come out danny i know that's you" he came out of the bush and walked next to me " i didn't know you knew Spanish" i looked at him and then remembered killers could come over on our side " uh um yep i also know german" hoping he didn't see my face red from embarrassment " you know the new killer wasnt to happy that people got out" i turned around to look at him " well not my fault nea was a bitch and wouldn't hel me to save leon from him" i shrugged and sat down next to hin and put my head on his shoulder " well hes kinda hot" danny laughed a tiny bit " well i could see if he finds you hot" my face went back to being red and i smacked him on the head " well come on simon i want to go back to the killer side" i nodded my head and follwed him out of the forest to the killer camp once we got there i saw many killers like trapper, demo,huntress, and nursemostly nice killers so but i was still next to danny hoping they wouldnt see me but luck was not my freind " who i sthat danny" tapper looked at me " this is simon one of them from the other team" danny looked over at him " and yes hes good, aslo good in bed" i smacked him on the head and headed towards his cabin and i could here him laughing ' i swear one day im going to beat his ass' i opened the door to this cabin and closed it " i have am idea im going to dress in something slutty and make him hard an walk away" i did just that ( period queen) i was sittting in the closet waiting for him to open the door to his room and he did what made it easier is that hes in sweatpants and a tank top he looked around and gave a confused look " simon?" he called our for me and i giggle a little he went up to his bed and i took the chance and opened the closet door and stepped out and i could see his face light up a little " heyy danny" i went up to him and sat on his lap and wigged a little bit before turning to him " so how are you my niñito, have you been good" he nodded his head " well i dont think you have been good" and i got up and went near the door " so i dont think you discover this" i pointed to my body and opened the door he frowned and got up " aslo i dont think you can go by with out this" i held up his knife his one and only knife and i giggled he look down then up " see you later babby boy" i ran out the room and ran out side to see some killers most of them were there "hey guys can i hide behind one of you" they were confusd and wesker came up to me " sure why not" i got behind him and crouched a little and i heard a noise i saw danny with his mask and outfit on " which easy did he go" danny didnt seem to happy but i could see a tent in his pants " that way" wesker poitned a way " thanks" i saw danny run away the killers than looked at me " so what did you do to make him mad?" i laughed and pulled out his knife " well i stole his knife and made him a little hard" some laughed " ok see ya" they nodded and wesker just looked at me then away i ran towards the suriror area once i go there i saw dwight and meg and went towards them " hey guys'' meg looked up " ok why are you so happy?" i smiled a tiny bit " well i stole dannys knife and made him hard and its amazing becasue he cat come knew this log so ill sleep here" i sat down and got ready to sleep but the enity said diffrent " fuck who else is going" i looked around i say dwight, david, and jake we got in ad the mapwas sanctum ( forgot the name) i saw a gen and worked on it i saw david and he came over and helped me on the gen " did you see who it was?" " no" i nodded and we countied to work on it we finished and heard a scream it was dwight " god dammit dwight stay out of the lockers" i went towards him to get him off the hook and i did " its ghostface" i nodded ' shit i got to make sure he doesn't get to me' i walked away and we all met up in the main " guys i know david and dwight knows but jake listen i'm dating danny and i kinda pissed him off and i wanna courtnie so i'm going to hid and do gens" he nodded and we walked away and i did just that
After 4 more gems
When the last gen was done i got up and hid but not in a locker but near the edges of the map Dwight dies and so did David, jake was opening the gate but Danny got to him so i went to the shack and waited for the hatch and it spawned i heard my heartbeat pick up and saw Danny with no knife but a shark glass " hey Danny guess you could get me huh" he started to walk to me " not today satan" i jumped into the hatch and closed it then i heard a bang oh shit he's trying to open it i ran away until i got to the end and got out once i did i ran to my cabin and hid in my room under the bed hoping he doesn't come here but not my luck he came into my romm threw the window "simon i know your in here" he locks around for me " oh the fun im going to have with you when i fnd you" he kepted looking around till it was quiet " i found you" he grab my legs and pulled me out

The yall though you where going to get a smut ya no next chapter there will be two of them

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