Part 3

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You guys read the first two chapters.

Simons pov

The man looked down at me. "You know, sweetheart, if I wasn't a killer, I would take you out on a date." There was a smirk in his voice. I was scared for my life. Will I ever find his dad, who went to get the milk and came back only to say he was leaving for the gas station the next day? "Who says you can't?" The killer paused for a moment and said, "Hmm, that sounds like a great offer, but I'm going to decline." The killer was about to shove the knife into my body, but there were sirens—police sirens. I was happy but still afraid of what happened to Jenna. "You're lucky to be here, but I'm not going to leave you without a little scar." The killer then used his knife to cut me on the face, leaving a scar near my eyes, and the killer jumped out of the window. (a fucking fairy he is) "POLICE OPEN UP." I looked out the window for a moment before getting up and running down the stairs to the front door, letting in the cops. "The killer is gone, and I don't know where my friend is." The officer looked at me and nodded as they entered the house to look for Jenna. They did find her, but not in the best of shape.

(Gore here; you can skip if you want.)

Jenna's intestines were everywhere on the ground; you could see her heart had been stomped on by the blood still oozing from her corpse all over the floor and wall. I then threw up because it smelled bad, and what's even worse, her eyeballs were not even there, but they were in my popcorn bowl. I was horrified by the sense of 'why her' Why did he have to kill her? What did we ever do to him? As we walked near the door, there was blood on the walls. It was Jennifer's blood. It spelled out, "You're next." I cried.

(It has ended.)

The officers were appalled and ushered me out of the house and into the car. "Listen, son, we will keep you with us until your mother comes back." He closed the door and got into the car to drive off. "My mother will be gone for a month or two." The officer looked back at me with a frown. "Well, you can stay with one of us until then."

Skip to the station.

"So what did it look like?" The officer asked me as we were sitting down. "He looked like the killer off of Scream 1996; he wasn't too happy that you guys came." I felt like I was going to cry again. They put a blanket around me so I could calm down. "Listen, son, I know that this is hard for you, but we will catch whoever did this to you." I nodded and looked down. I started to cry at the fact I lost my true friend. She was there when I came out as bi. She was there when my father left. She was there for everything, but no, she's gone forever. I miss her laugh and her smiles. I'll just miss everything she gave to me. "Now, son, we will put some officers to watch you until your parents come home," and so they did.

One week later...

simons pov

It always felt like he was watching me when I went to sleep. I locked my door and windows and had a knife with me. The cops said they would have two people over to watch me. "I hate this so much. I have many friends, but Jenna was the best. She was there when I needed someone. She was the first person I told that I was bi." I kept looking at the wall. "I'm thirsty." I got up and went down the stairs to grab some water. When I turned the corner, I saw the cops watching TV. Ugh, they're not even doing their jobs. I grabbed the water and drank it. "Do you guys even sleep?" I asked them, but they didn't respond, "Omg, did they fall asleep?" I put the water down and went to them. When I got there, I went to touch him, but I smelled something weird. "That's weird." I got in front of them and screamed, They're dead, just like Jenna. If he's dead, that means he's in the house. I turn to run and run out the door of the house because I'm not basic. I get to the door and try to open it, but nothing happens. "What the fuck?" I looked and saw it was superglued. Who in the fuck? I turn and run up. When I get to the stairs, I see him standing at the end of the hall. "You thought you could get rid of me, sweetheart?" The man titled his head "fuck off your dick head." I ran up the stairs, heading to my room. "You can run, but you can't hide," he said to me as he chased me. Once I got to my room, I closed the door, locked it, and put a chair in front of it. "Ok, I'm good, I think," then there was banging on the door. "Open the door, Simon, I just want to talk to you." 

That's right bitch's I'm finally going threw each chapter and making the grammar better ( and adding more "stuff" into it) 

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