Part 5

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Chap 5

Simons pov

I slowly opened my eyes looking around not understanding where I was "where The fuck am I?" this wasn't the forest at all I got up and started to walk around the weird thing is that my leg wasn't injured anymore "ok now I'm even more confused I was just hurt and now I'm not" I kept walking until I heard a woman's voice "hey get down now before He sees you" the voice told me "who said that?" I was quite scared why? Because I was in an area I don't know and someone it's talking to me "Down here dumbass" I looked over to a bush and saw some red hair poking out so I bent down and went over to her "Get down here before the killer sees you" she grabbed me and now I was next to her "why are we hiding?" I looked at her and she sighed "Because of that" She pointed to our left and I saw the most horrific it was a well-built man with a mask and a trap in his hand "That's trapper don't step in his traps they hurt like hell" I nodded "alright you're new so ill give you an explanation"

"So it's like a video game It is a one-versus-four game in which one player takes on the role of a Killer and the other four play as Survivors the Killer must hunt and impale each Survivor on sacrificial hooks to appease an evil force known as the Entity, while the Survivors have to avoid being caught and power up the exit gates by working together to fix five Generators (yes I looked it up cause I'm not good at explaining) "so how many generators do we have left to finished" she stood up so I did to "we only have one left let's go" I nodded and followed her to the gen that trapper kicked earlier and started to work on it but of course since I'm new I fucked it up "dammit run trapper Is coming" I got up and ran as fast as I could to a shack I was breathing hard "dammit I need to hide" I went up to this locker opened it and hid.

Before we go on I'd like to say your three perks (I made them myself so if you want to use them then ask)
"Let's Dance"
distraction, Dance, yell anything and distract the kill for 30 seconds ( 10/20/30)
"You're ok"
Calm nerves, being able not to scream, or groin when injured (only after being hooked twice)
" Fuck you"
You're on, being able to hit the killer anywhere, but only when hurt, can only do this once for you then once for someone else"
(ok back you better have read that or you would have been confused later on)

Once I got out of the locker I went towards this yellow glowing person once I saw he wasn't yellow anymore so I got him off the hook "hey im Simon what about you?" the other looked up at me "I'm Dwight thanks for saving me" I smiled but the ground started to crack and shake "whats happing Dwight" I was worried "oh that endgame we need to get to an exit gate one of them was open" we started to run and when we go there meg was running to us "help he's on my ass do anything to get him off" she yelled I went near the killer "hey big ugly guy" the killer stopped and looked at me I then flipped him off while meg and Dwight escape "fuck you" I then went to the exited gate and left.When I got to the camp many people were looking at me "Who is this" someone said" "This is our new survivor his name is Simon" I waved and some waved back "Tell us about yourself" Dwight said "Well my favorite color is black ( like yall's souls) I like to eat pasta, my dad and mom hate me because I'm bi I love to cook and paint, and watch horror movies, oh and right before coming here I was chased by a killer he based of off this old movie scream 1996 and I'm glad he's gone he either was obsessed with me or real wanted me dead" I smiled and somewhere confused "what year was it for you?" I was confused by this " the year was 2023" somewhere shocked by this, and some weren't. 

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