Part 2

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Updated: Another one has been done (I also realized halfway through doing this I have to read all of my chapters to update them; it's very cringy reading something I made).

Simon pov

They both were silent and watched the movie, but what they didn't know was that someone else was watching and waiting—someone hot and ready for some bitches.

Halfway through the movie, the phone rings.
"Who is calling at eleven at night?" Jenna groaned and paused the movie. "Maybe my dad. I don't know. Answer it. I have to pee. I'll be back." He got up and headed to the bathroom to pee, while Jenna picked up the phone to answer, "Hello there, you just won a brand new car; would you like it?" Before the telemarketer could finish, Jenna hung up the phone and said, "Ugh, stupid ass telemarketers." Jenna shakes her head in disappointment. "Who was it?" Simon asked as he came near her, "It was just a stupid ass telemarketer, like always." She replied with annoyance. They both went back to the TV to finish the movie when the phone rang again. "Oh my god, can't you shut up?" Jenna stands up and answers again, "Listen, pal, I don't want your stolen car, so fuck off." Jenna sounded angry. "Woah, now I wasn't going to give you a car," a voice said over the phone. Jenna paused for a second. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were a telemarketer." Simon looked at Jenna, then at the phone, and motioned for her to give him the phone, but she didn't. "Well, how about I take something from you, like your body?" the voice cooed. (Eww, Danny, wtf, bro.) Jenna then handed the phone to Simon, saying, "Listen, first fuck off; that's disgusting, and you can go shove a dick in your mouth." Simon answered with anger in his tone that he wasn't having it. "Not as long as it's yours, sweetheart." Simon then hung up the phone and placed it down. "That was just eww." They both looked at each other and then laughed. "Like a girl, that guy was horny, but still, it was wrong." They both laughed and went back to the couch, but they brought the phone with them so they could answer it if another telemarketer dialed them again, but no one did, or so they thought.

When the movie ended, Simon got up to put the snacks away while Jenna cleaned up.

Then the phone rang, and Simon answered, "Hello?" He stopped what he was doing and said, "Hello there. Do you want to play a game?" The voice asked, "Um, what type of game?" Simon went over to Jenna. "It's a fun one; both you and your friend can play." Jenna looked at Simon with a look of confusion. "First question: who were the killers in Scream 1996?" Simon's face lit up with glee; he knew it because he was a nerd. "It's Stu Marcher and Billy Lommis," he answered in a heartbeat. "Good, good, now it's your friend's turn." Simon handed the phone to her and asked, "Who is the masked killer in Halloween?" Jenna smiled before answering, "Michael Myers." Simon was glad, and so was Jenna. "Good, now pass it back." She proceeded to pass it back. "Where is this quote from? Do you want to play a game?" Simon was glad he knew about horror movies. "saw" Jenna, and Simon did a fist bump, and he gave the phone to Jenna. "What's this quote from in space? No one can hear you scream." Jenna's face paused, and she shook her head, so Simon whispered, "Ailen." When she answered, they heard a sigh at the end of the phone: "That's right, but you cheated." Simon and Jenna were confused. "No, we didn't," Jenna claimed. "Oh yes, you did; your friend whispered it to you." Both of their faces paled, and then they heard a chuckle. Simon took the phone and hung up, saying, "We need to lock the doors. I'll call the police." Jenna nodded and started to lock the doors while Simon called the police. "Hello, 911 What's your emergency?" "Hello, we need help. I thought someone was prank calling us, but he knew what we were doing like he was watching us; he kept saying weird things, and me and my friend don't feel safe," he answered the woman. "Okay, I'm sending a police officer to you. Please lock the doors and rename calm until they arrive." "Okay." Simon hung up the phone and looked at Jenna. "hide" Jenna and Simon went to hide Jenna in the closet, and Simon was under the bed. There was silence.

Then his phone rang, and he didn't answer; instead, he put it on silent. Simon could hear noise from downstairs, followed by a scream; it was Jenna's. Simon was scared, and then it was silent once more. Simon started to cry. He was scared he was next. His phone rang again, and he picked it up. "What do you want from me?" he cried out, but there was only silence. "YOU" was answered, but not on the phone. His legs were grading, and he was shoved on the bed. He screamed out, "HELP ME, PLEASE." He looked up only to see a man wearing a mask. a scream mask.

Dun dun dun

Wow, I never typed this much (liar, btw).

Go to the next chapter.

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