Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Soukoku Back In Action

"Ngrr!" Atshushi and Akutagawa groaned in Yuji's tight grip, their bodies litters with deep wounds and nasty bruises

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"Ngrr!" Atshushi and Akutagawa groaned in Yuji's tight grip, their bodies litters with deep wounds and nasty bruises.

"Gosh... you sound like strangled pigs!" Yuji grinned, looking at the two elder boys as he held by their throats. "This is pathetic!"

"Rashomon : Sawarabi!" Akutagawa muttered. Dozens of spikes came from behind Yuji trying to impale him.

"Brat!" The mouth on Yuji's cheek yelled and in a split second, Yuji let go of Akutagawa and Atshushi and jumped high.

Akutagawa and Atshushi fell on their knees, trying to get their breathing back to normal rhythm.

The spikes followed Yuji into the air, making Yuji to grin in excitement like a child.

"If you're using your ability, then I will too. Illusion of Curse : Dismantle!" Yuji pointed his finger towards the spikes as a dark energy materialised at the tip of his finger, taking the shape of several thin boomerang structures.

With a single swipe of his hand, the structures set forth smoothly cutting through the spikes.

"And...done!" Yuji cheered as he landed infront of the duo.

The bodies of Fin, Higuchi, Kyouka and Kenji were lying around, bleeding and unconscious. Yuji haven't killed them yet, as the Shin Soukoku caught his attention.

No, it's not that he acknowledged them or anything, just a simple curiosity why they haven't been passed out yet like their companions. So he decided to play with them to test their limits.

...Which could be now, as they were panting, still lying on the ground with half lidded eyes glaring at him.

"Your mentors must be so weak for you to end up like a trash like this." Yuji walked towards them and knelt infront of them. "Or they abandoned you because you were so weak, that you couldn't progress no matter what technique they used."

Akutagawa's fist clenched as he tried to stand up. Yuji smirked seeing the elder still has some fight left in him and turned to the other.

"Or you were thrown out with no one to care for you, because you were a burden with no progress with your ability. I wonder if your guardians thought of you as a waste of space, because I definitely think of you as one."

Atshushi flinched, then raised his head, letting out a frustrated growl. Yuji stood back, knowing that the two would attack him definitely for sure.

It was so easy to rile them up. Unhealed traumas never ceased amaze Yuji about how well they have control over the human mind. And as long as Yuji can tap into those traumas of his opponents, he can manipulate them or break them.

Fear of abandonment and lack of acknowledgement... two of the many basic traumas that can root deeply into human minds, if not healed properly.

The victims will do anything to please their counterparts so they won't be abandoned and do whatever it takes to gain their acknowledgement. All that's needed is to give out an order, and those weaklings will risk their lives for you.

And give orders was what Yuji did. "Get up and fight me. You are tasked to eliminate me after all. If you succeed in eliminating a powerful opponent like me, it's guaranteed that this will be enough for your caretakers to accept you two, as the two heroes who saved their beloved Yokohama city."

'Yes! Entertain me more, idiots!'

"Don't tell me what to do!" Akutagawa swayed on his legs, but still managed to stand firm.

"We are not doing it for the rewards. We are doing it to protect our dear ones!" Atshushi stood up following Akutagawa.

"Sure...sure... Whatever you say, heroes.." Yuji teased with a pouty face, waving off their heroic quotes. "Then defeat me and pRoTeCt YoUr LoVeD oNeS."

"Beast Beneath The Moonlight!" Atshushi body glowed in blue aura, partially transforming into white tiger features.

"Rashomon Demonic Armor!" Red aura engulfed Akutagawa, Rashomon wrapping around him like an armor.

"It seems you need to learn a lesson, about why I am always superior to trashes like you people, the one I'll gladly teach!" A crazy laugh erupted from Yuji's throat as Akutagawa and Atshushi rushed towards Yuji at high speed.

Naked eyes couldn't make out the fight. It appeared as a blue, red and black rays are continuously bombarding with each other. The red and blue rays cornering the black one.

"Blergg!" Rashomon stabbed through Yuji's chest, pinning him to the nearby half destroyed wall.

"Do not underestimate me!" Akutagawa growled walking towards the unconscious Yuji, blood pouring out from his mouth.

"We told you we'd win!" Atshushi chuckled, but stayed where he was standing, trying to catch his breath.

"This is for what you did to everyone!" Akutagawa yelled and punched Yuji, the impact turning Yuji's head to the side.

Yuji's lips twitched upwards and Akutagawa widened his eyes. Before he could jump away, a punch covered in flames made contact with Akutagawa's stomach as he doubled over, coughing out concerning amount of blood.

"I...f-feel so...numb..." Akutagawa groaned as he slumped over. That punch of Yuji must have crushed his innards.

"Hahaha...SIKE!" Yuji grinned showing a peace sign.

Leading his enemies into thinking he was losing was one of Yuji's favourite tactic.

"Akutagawa!" Atshushi yelled in despair.

"Is the lesson starting to sink in yet? Or do I have to start killing you all?" Yuji chuckled.

"Jinko... get out...of here.." Akutagawa croaked out.

"Oh no you don't!" Yuji smiled walking towards Atsushi, who froze there unable to move and drained of all energy.

"How can you still move after taking all our hits?!" Atshushi desperately yelled.

"You thought I was getting weak and lowered your guard. That's your first mistake. Engrave it your thick skulls." Akutagawa and Atshushi stared at Yuji smirking. "The moment you think you have the upper hand in a battle, is the moment you should be more careful and reserved."

With a swift move, Yuji crashed Atshushi's head on the concrete floor, cracking it unrepairably, and within seconds blood started pudding underneath his head and Yuji let go of his grip on Atshushi's hair.

"You asked how I can still move?" Yuji chuckled as he watched with sick satisfaction how Yuji and Akutagawa are squirming in pain, on the verge of unconsciousness. "I never gets tired, when I'm having fun."

Yuji grabbed Atshushi's collar and dragged him towards Akutagawa, leaving behind a trail of smeared blood. Once reached, Yuji dropped Atshushi near Akutagawa.

"By the way, I can see why your guardians abandoned such weaklings like you. Now then, Good bye, I'll end your pain this instant."

"Illusion of Curse : Cleave-" Before Yuji could complete, a sharp rock covered in red aura flew grazing his head as Yuji already dodged thanks to his immense reflexes.

Another rock flew towards him and Yuji jumped backwards, landing on top of the nearby hospital building.

"You won't harm anyone anymore!" Chuuya growled, his hand still covered in red aura.

Dazai was checking on the unconscious people first, and after making sure their injuries weren't life threatening, Dazai ran towards the two who had grave injuries.

"D-dazai-san?" Atshushi groaned out.
"And... Nakahara-san?" Akutagawa spat out more blood.

The last thing Akutagawa and Atshushi saw were Chuuya and Dazai rushing towards them with worried faces, before their eyes closed, welcoming the slumber that let them escape the excruciating pain from Yuji's assaults.

To be continued...

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