Ironwood: I will make sure they get arrested as well, we can not afford a war on the 4 Kingdoms.

Juniper: Yup, that is a very bad idea.

She now turns her attention towards Jaune, Juniper just gives her a smile but she can tell, Jaune is very nervous right now.

Juniper: Calm yourself, Jaune. I was like that when my Father told me I would take the Throne at your age. I was very nervous and sweating buckets. Ah, good times.

Jaune: Of course, Mother. It's just with what's going on right now, it will be a long journey ahead of us.

Juniper: Indeed it will be, but we will endure, like we always have. Now, I ask of you. What is your plan regarding the 4 Kingdoms, Ozpin informed me you plan to reveal ourselves to the Outsider's, right?

Jaune: Yes, Mother and here's what I have planned.

As Jaune placed a device on the table, he presses a button and a hologram popped up of the entirety of the 4 Kingdoms.

Jaune: My first step in establishing an alliance by revealing ourselves in the Vytal Festival, both Ozpin and Ironwood over here will convince the Vale Council to hold a large press conference where we will reveal the entirety of Arcadia as a whole.

Juniper: I see.

Jaune: I will also bring representatives from all over the globe. We need to show them that we are at a time of peace, that a multitude of races can be united. I know there are a lot of idiots in the 4 Kingdoms but that majority does not matter, once the Faunus see that we can be united, that is when I go to Menagerie.

The hologram now shows the entirety of Menagerie.

Jaune: I will go to Menagerie alongside the Arcadian Faunus Council, along with Adam, Eve and my battalion who are all Faunus. We will have talks with both Sienna and Ghira about an alliance and help make Menagerie into a state like the Faunus Kingdoms.

Juniper: And what of the White Fang? Even if we did say we accept equality and showed the strict laws of the Kingdoms. There will always be fools who are delusional

Jaune: That is where Adam comes into the picture. After all, since he is our spy in the White Fang, he has been keeping an eye on those that are loyal to him and him only, he is noting out those that have no interest in equality and are solely focus on the eradication of all life except Faunus.

Ironwood: And I suspect those that refuse will be arrested when he reveals himself or worse, have to be put down.

Ozpin: 'I know a certain Faunus won't agree with this plan. I hope she's doesn't interfere with this'

Jaune: Indeed. Adam will be the stepping stone to ensure a peaceful alliance with the Faunus, Eve will help out as well.

Juniper: What of Atlas? Knowing them, they will try some kind of business proposition to gain our lands. Which would be impossible as majority if not all of the lands in Arcadia are already owned by a multitude of factions and Kingdoms.

Ozpin: Indeed, if they try anything, the only thing left of the Kingdom is ashes.

Jaune: I have no concern for these Atlesians, everyone in Arcadia hates the very definition of Atlas and their kind. But they are willing to help Mantle, and it can be a big fuck you to Atlas that Mantle, the very city they left behind, became more powerful than them.

Ironwood: But there are still good people in Atlas, can we at least try to save them?

Jaune: I can, give me a list of names and I will grant them passage to Arcadia and a better life. After all, there are numerous Atlesians that removed their heritage and became Arcadians due to Atlas screwing them over and ruining their lives.

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