Chapter 16: The Rescue

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Lumin POV

The room was silent besides the vehicons walking around me. I could barely make out what was in front of me- I've lost too much energon.

"Filthy traitor." I heard one of them whisper.

I couldn't blame them for calling me that. But what they were doing was wrong- I had to leave with Lus. I then felt the Nemesis land somewhere. I stood there in silence as the blurry figures of the vehicons walk out of the room. I let out a heavy sigh. I really was helpless- I couldn't protect myself at all! I looked down at the floor, until I heard something coming my way. I heard footsteps coming at me- fast. Followed by crashing and the sounds of guns. My optics widened in shock to see the yellow-armored autobot crashing through the doors of the cell.

"B-Bee?!" I somehow managed to take words out of my mouth.

Bee turned to me quickly, I felt a sense of relief flow through me. "Min!"

The chains on my wrists were undone, and I fell into Bee's arms. I laughed to myself that I couldn't stand by myself.

"What did they do to you?!" Bee asked, concerned. "Min? Are you alright?"

I smiled, "I'm fine, Bee! My vision's just- really blurry... haha."

"I'm so sorry that we couldn't get to you sooner." He held me closer.

I could feel my faceplate warming up. "I-It's fine....I'm just glad you came back for me."

"Of course we did!" He added, "You're a precious friend of ours- we won't leave you behind."


That word hurt me. So he still doesn't know about my feelings towards him.

"Let me get you to Ratchet; then we can get you healed up." He beeped. I nodded.

Bee then helped me up- but then pulled me up on his back. I was caught off guard by this, but didn't say anything.

"Hold on tight."

He dashed out of the room- I almost fell off. I grabbed him tighter, and I shut my eyes when Bee started to shoot the vehicons in the way. The ride was a rough one, luckily, we ran into Arcee.

"Min! Thank primus that you're safe!" Arcee exclaimed as she shot a decepticon. 

I grinned, it felt like years since I've seen her. "Arcee! It's so good to see you!"

"I would give you a better greeting- but we have more visitors."

Arcee being there made the situation so much better. Getting rid of the vehicons was easier with the two of them- I felt bad for being a burden, I seemed to be weighing Bee down. The two of them eventually took me out of the nemesis- where everyone else was. I saw Optimus around the corner; seeing him made me so relieved.

"Bumblebee, take Lumin to the ground bridge." He ordered.

Bee nodded, then turned to me. "Are you ready to go back home?"

"I am." I answered.

The ground bridge opened, and led me home.

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