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My heart is going crazy, it's jumping ~

My heart is going crazy, it's jumping ~

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Life has never been so great for Iseul. For the first time in 17 years, she was enjoying her existence.
Her days, from being dull and meaningless, were now full of his friends' presence. They were always together, studying, eating out and just wandering around the city.

She couldn't understand how her world suddenly shifted to those seven boys. She smiled, she laughed and she felt happy. Friendship seemed to be the best thing that ever happened in her life.

However, something changed. She changed.
Around the beginning of May, she noticed that she couldn't be around a certain Chinese boy anymore. She would feel anxious and worried, while her stomach seemed to be hosting a whole zoo. She tried to measure her temperature, to see if she was getting sick, but everything was normal.

She couldn't understand what was happening, as Renjun was her favourite person out of everyone else.
So, one day, while her and Mark were studying together, she decided to speak up.

"You feel nervous?" The boy asked with a raised eyebrow, as a smile was growing in his lips. "Tell me. Do you hate him?"

"No. Absolutely. I..."

And that's how Iseul realized her crazy feelings for Huang Renjun.

She had never liked anyone in her whole life, as she also never had any close friend. But Mark was ready to help her with anything.
He let her understand that those negative feelings were actually symptoms of a crush, and that she was just overjoyed to be with her person. The boy was always ready to help her in any way, like letting her sit near Renjun or trying to insert her into conversations.

However, most of the times they were all at school, so Iseul eventually decided to someone equally trustful in their group. Obviously, they both thought of Jeno.
He was being a good friend and match-maker, but at some point his best friend Jaemin noticed tha something was off, and Iseul confessed everything to him too.

By the end of May, everybody in their group knew of her crush for Huang Renjun, with Donghyuck being the last one. Things went a lot crazier with all the boys knowing, but Iseul felt grateful to them, as they would often leave them alone. In those times, everything felt magical between Renjun and her.

It was then when she realized that Huang Renjun made her live in every kind of way.  And she was glad that he was there, that day, at the bridge of death.

Exam season was coming; throughout all June 4th and 5th would be busy the majority of the time. Therefore, her and the boys, except for Chenle and Jisung, were studying nonstop all day. But Iseul came to also think about her situation; what would have happened to her and Renjun during summer? She knew the boy was going back to China for the holidays, to visit his family there, something that she wanted for him as it made him happy. But the distance scared her. What if he wasn't going to miss her at all? What if their friendship was going to be ruined?

She has never wanted him as friend to begin with, so one day she told her trusted boys about it. Everyone smiled, and Chenle and Donghyuck screamed too. They wished her the best, knowing a lot more of Renjun's side than she could think.

So, on the first day of exams, she came to school with the biggest smile on earth. The students that passed were looking at her as she was a ghost, but she has never minded them. They should have gotten accustomed to her addition to the famous group of friends.

She passed everybody and quickly made her way to her friends, which she could see from the school gates. She jogged to their way, ready to greet them with her new-found energy. But, something was off.

As she stopped before them, she noticed their sombre expressions and her smile slowly faded. Donghyuck didn't joke about her crush, Chenle wasn't laughing loudly, Jisung had his eyes red, Jaemin wasn't smirking, Jeno wasn't smiling for the first time in all those months and Mark seemed lost. Something bad happened, she understood. Renjun wasn't there.

"What happened, guys?" She asked with a calm tone, although inside her the emotions were in chaos. But no one wanted to answer her. "Where's Renjun?"

"Don't you know...?" Donghyuck asked, as he looked at everything but her. Everyone else lowered their heads, and Iseul realized that nothing was going to be okay.



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