CHAPTER 3 - Don't know?

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A/N: ok guys lets make most of this laura's pov? if you want any other pov...comment below pls! thanks :)

laura's pov

"i way saying that-um-uh-eeh" she starts to make squelling noises.. " just say it" i grit through my teeth. she throws me a scared look, then dances away. what could it have been that she was trying to say? probably not that important. i grab my stuff out of my locker including my back-pack, cause YAY! school is over. NAY! we have home-work. that's one reason i dislike school.

"you seem glum" Calum say walking with me. i give him a "are-you-serious" look "what do you think?" i say glumly..or pretty much angrily. "woah calm girl" he says as giving me calm hands. "what up?!" Ross and Calum say while doing their hand-thingy. "hiya!" Ross says to me in a screech-y voice i give him a small wave. "what did the school do this time?" Ross says noticing i'm paranoid. "100 pages of get any?" i ask boring-ly or whatever.

"none" he says throwing hands up in the air freedom" he shouts. the school stares at him. i cover my hands so i don't laugh but i fail like um always "nothing to look at people" he says awkwardly. they all get back to what they are doing but some still glance.

//true meaning of love//

"than rocky saw Rydel fake crying and said and i quote there, there i know you monkey is dead....but" Ross says on the phone stifling laughs. i pretty much rofl in these rocky momentum stories. "he then runs up to his room grabs a stuff monkey and gave it to rydel" which it was way funnier if you saw it happen. "well i gtg, talk to ya later" i sigh "bye i gtg to anyways" then with that i hang up.

currently im very bored. "sis.." vanessa starts to enter my room "yea?" i ask while scrolling through a few instagram photos. "Ross?" i nod.."how'd ya know" i say now on twitter. "just a lucky guess...i guess" she smirks before leaving why'd she come in any way?

@amazing_raurafan: are you and ross dating yet?? @yaylauramarano @rossr5

@rosslauramoon: you raura are like the world best otp @yaylauramarano @rossr5 (a/n : r.l. moon is an awesome raura book writer just so you know. you should read her books if u haven't yet)

little raura fans

@rossr5: @rosslauramoon @amazing_raurafan oh guys dont worry (wink,wink) were gonna start fake dating—maybe it'll turn into real love @yaylauramarano

oh ross. i decide to reply to the mischievous monkey

@yaylauramarano: @rossr5 yes were gonna start fake dating. BUT dont forget i don't believe in-ugh! love @amazing_raurafan and @rosslauramoon im sorry :'(!!

ting-ting ooh! another tweet from—Ross and look at what he said this time.

true meaning of love (raura)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang