Laura sends Black an incredulous glare. "That's bullshite! I don't need your help, and you could have just as easily left the library. You're the one who chose to wait, not—"

"Well, you're here now," Black interrupts, pushing away from the wall and straightening. Somehow, he grows even taller in doing this, and Laura finally notices the precarious situation she's put herself in.

"That's—" Laura cuts herself short. "Fuck you!"

Black smirks lazily. "You wish, love." His gaze doesn't break away from Laura's face, and she has to (very much to her own frustration) be the first to let out an uncomfortable cough and avert her eyes briefly. Suddenly, the library seems like a very appealing place to be at the moment.

"Right then." Laura lets out an odd sound as she clears her throat. "If I get this over with, will you finally stop bothering me?"

"Not in the slightest," Black responds, and Laura narrows her eyes as she follows him to the library. "It's quite amusing to see you all riled up."

Laura scoffs. "I do not get riled up." She struggles to keep up with Black's long stride as he takes another sharp turn down the corridors.

"Oh, but I think you do." Black says simply. "You get all wound up, and then you yell at the nearest person— or slap them." He grins at this, though his grin is anything but infectious. 

Laura lifts her head indignantly. "Good thing I won't ever be slapping you again."

Black's grin grows. "And why is that, hm?"

"I think you'd enjoy it too much."

Black laughs loudly, and for a moment, it startles Laura. She's never heard him laugh before, but it makes her entire body teem with discomfort. 

"As much as I'd love to test that idea out, I think it'd be better if you kept your hands to yourself." Black opens the library door for Laura, but as she moves to go inside, he leans down to whisper in her ear. "Though I don't deny it would be very entertaining if you didn't."

Warm breath fans Laura's earlobe as she steps into the room and immediately stops in her tracks. Black crashes into her, and she has to clutch his arm to keep from falling.

"Why the fuck did you— oh."

Alice lets out a surprised shriek and pulls her robes down immediately before turning to Frank. "You said you locked the door!" She hisses.

"I thought you did!"

"No, you dimwit, I was in charge of distracting the librarian!" Alice grits back, combing through the fly-aways and knots in her hair.

"Alice, you're shagging Longbottom?" Laura questions in bemusement as Frank straightens his trousers.

Alice clears her throat awkwardly. "This is just a one-time thing." Frank shoots Alice a hurt look, but she doesn't seem to notice as she finally looks at the boy behind Laura. "Why on earth are you with Black?"

Laura pales. "I—"

"Lovegood here was just showing me where to find more books about Astrology." Black cuts in, grey eyes regarding Alice with utter disdain. "Though I don't expect that I need to provide you, of all people, an explanation. You can't even remember to lock a door before you go and fuck someone."

Alice's cheeks go flush with embarrassment as Frank's jaw clenches. "And who are you to talk? Last time I checked, you weren't very discreet with your relations either." Frank was usually very genteel and quiet-mannered, but there's a slight venom in his words as he speaks to Black.

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