Chapter 5: Cotton Candy

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It was days after you started tutoring Rem.
Day by day it felt like life became sweet and fluffy. Like cotton candy.

With another day of lectures done you feel different from your usual self. Typically things would be stressful by now knowing you have work after but today is different, maybe it's because you finished early than Julie and Fritz or maybe it's because you were finally not on register duty. Or maybe some other third thing.

But today was definitely different.
Clocking into work you were now placed as one of the chefs. You maybe studying art but your skills in the kitchen were none to match and by that I mean you were just fast.

But knowing you don't have to deal with customers made you very happy.

With a flip and a fry you were done in no time. Seeing the clock strikes the hour is a relief in your eyes as it means you finally get home. But before you do you stopped by your University's library.

With only one goal, and that is to grab actual language textbooks. Your tutoring sessions with Rem are going smoothly, she's very deligent in her studies which hurts a little to your ego seeing how someone can be so interested in their studies so much.

But eventually you ran out of things to teach although this was inevitable you didn't think it would come so soon, must be her habits of being a maid from another world.

Looking through the university's entire library you find a variety of interesting reads. From the classic literatures of H*ns Chr*sti*n *nders*n, to textbooks made by experts in their field of studies.

But it was here that you encountered an unusual circumstance. A professor saw you of all people going through and picking books from the shelf.

"Oh hey (Y/N) I didn't expect to see you here of all people"

"Oh hey hi yea sorry I didn't see you there"
You responded

"Wow I didn't expect you to be a fan of books let alone textbooks. Has something happened recently? Something good perhaps."

"Well I don't really wanna get into it but yea I guess something did."

"Well I am happy to know you are turning over a new leaf, I hope to see this type of improvement in your assignments as well."

"Yessir read ya loud and clear"

"Well then I won't take up anymore of your time, I hope to see this new you in my class soon"

"Alright bye professor"

You then pondered on the words given to you. Reflecting on what they mean, seeing the truth in another perspective because all you see in yours is your usual daily routine. But something did feel different.

"Have I really changed that much? Maybe I lost some weight or something? Maybe I got taller now I'm more confident?"

Those thoughts never left as you went to get the books you picked to be stamped by the librarian.

And when you arrived home you were greeted by a wonderful smell, and greeted by Rem.

"Welcome home (Y/N)"

And by then you realized what those words meant, things really have changed. Everything was once stale and bland now it's warm and sweet.

Rem gave you a wonderful smile, as you entered the apartment.

"I'm home Rem. Oh and check this out, I found a book on H*ns Chr*sti*n *nd*rs*n's works. I thought maybe we could read it together later."

You excitedly showed Rem the book she was confused as to who you were referring to but she was happy you were excited. But you REMembered something, the alluring scent. Was it your home?, Was it Rem perhaps? No it was the kitchen.

"Ah I see you already smelled the surprise"

"What's that in the kitchen?"

"Shhh it's not gonna be a surprise if you're just going go see it immediately now sit down on the couch I'll show in a little bit"

Rem asked you as she went to the kitchen.
You sat on the couch feeling the day's worth of fatigue and started to think to yourself.

"Ah crap I think. I forgot to buy us those premade meals. She probably bought some herself, I gotta thank Rem for this one I cannot believe I forgot something so important.

Although where did she get a premade meal that smelled this good? I don't remember this smell anywhere. Did she not buy premade meals at the convenience store? Maybe she bought food from a restaurant. AAH I'm so sorry Rem for making you spend your money on food it must've been expensive.

Don't worry I might not be able to pay her back now but I'll just have to work more shifts"

You then spiraled into the abyss of thoughts and doubts only for Rem to snap you out of it as she came back from the kitchen.

"Ta daaa (Y/N)"
Rem surprised you with nothing but a sight from the heavens.

Curry, fried chicken, sunny side up eggs, and most importantly RICE fluffy majestic rice. A sight to behold indeed especially for someone like you, each and every dish made fresh and homemade.

The sight was so beautiful that you started to cry a little bit. Rem then got worried and started to comfort and apologize to you but you reassured her you were fine.

It was just its been too long since you have seen so much food, and it was all homemade to boot. Rem then sat beside you and gave you the first serving of rice, you thanked her as you savoured the sweet tangy flavor of the curry as the potatoes and meat burst with flavor in your mouth while also leaving a mild spiciness in your mouth.

The satisfaction you felt as you bite down on one of the fried chicken made you ecstatic, the flour and cornstarch were breaded well into the chicken giving it the perfect crunchy exterior while the meat stayed juicy and salty.

And the sunny side up eggs were cooked perfectly the yolk wasn't too solid or too liquid just the right amount and mixed perfectly into your fluffy white rice.

Every bite you take it was as if you were eating pieces of absolute heaven, you. Couldn't help but she'd a tear while eating. Although still worried she might have messed up Rem was glad to see you enjoy the food to your hearts content.

After dinner you cannot help but thank Rem a thous- no A MILLION times for all the work she has done but as she keeps saying over and over again she just wanted to repay your kindness and it looks like she payed it in full with interest.

The two of you helped cleaned up all the utensils used and sat back down on the couch, You then showed Rem the book of well known fairy tales and read to her as some sort of payment. And before you knew it she fell asleep on your shoulder with nothing but a smile on her face as she drifts to dream land.

Something did change and that something was fluffy and sweet.

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