Before he could respond, Julia sped off. "I'm really sorry Sav, I don't even know what to say. I didn't even know she was down here. Shouldn't she be back home?"

I nodded, wiping my tears away. "Last time I checked, she still lived in Jersey. She was engaged to Ryan." I paused, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. "I don't even know what lies she could've told Tyler. They're probably so absurd, and just dumb. Just like the ones she told me."

Julia didn't respond, which I respected. I was still crying as we drove into the night.

If I would've known this is what would've happened when I went to that game that night, I would've easily told Julia that I sold those tickets. I would've faked sick, or said I felt like staying home. I would've done everything in my power to have avoided it.

But this was Tyler, we were talking about. Some underlying factor still urged me to forgive him. Something wanted me to just turn around and jump into his arms and forgive him. But something else told me I couldn't do this. It wasn't right. I was worth more. I couldn't continue being the forgiving, piece of shit I was in high school. That's what got me here in the first place.

His touch though, his eyes, those tattoos. The facial hair, the smile, his laugh. The way he always poked fun at me. Everything about him, I couldn't just drop it. I really did love Tyler, with all my heart. He was the first guy to take care of me like he did. And he didn't have to. That was the best part- he wanted to. He wasn't obligated. That's probably what made me fall for him in the first place. No one ever did that for me.

So why were we where we were now?

"I'm taking you to Tyler's right?" Julia asked, making a right at an intersection.

"Yeah." I said sniffling.

"How are you gonna get in? I mean, he does lock his doors, right?"

"He keeps a pair of keys in the mailbox." Tyler told me the pair was mine, but I felt as though it would be a little too quick to own some keys to his house. Julia nodded, not saying anything else. That was the best part of my sister, she never really hovered over me. She knew the right amount of space to give me.

When we pulled up to Tyler's, his car was already in the driveway. How he got home before us, was beyond me.

"Shit, what are you going to do?" Julia asked parking in front of the house.

"I'm still going in. Wait for me here, I'm gonna be as fast as possible." I undid my seat belt and hopped out of her car. A strong shiver came over me when I stepped into the cold air, causing me to sigh.

I reached the front door, praying Tyler wasn't somehow waiting for me in the living room. My hand reached into the mailbox quietly, making sure I that I didn't make too much noise. Nothing. I cursed under my breath softly. My hand did one more feel through again, nothing coming up. This time I sighed, allowing my irritation to get the best of me. There's no way, tonight, out of all nights the keys aren't there. I turned the doorknob in hopes that by some act of God, it could be unlocked- it was.

I knew exactly what Tyler was doing. He pulled the keys from the mailbox and unlocked the door for me since he knew I was coming back. But why pull the keys? Wouldn't it be smarter to leave them in the mailbox? He would be able to hear me get in.

I sneaked in quietly. No sound. Cash and Marshall were nowhere to be seen. This wasn't right. We didn't leave the house like this, so why was it in this condition?

The living room, dining room, and kitchen light was on. The family light wasn't on, which means he didn't go back that far. My anger was being washed over with uncertainty. Tyler was in the house, and I knew that much.

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