Damon's POV)

"WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled in rage as my men continued to bow in front of me.

It's been two fucking days since Theo and his nephew was last seen within the pack.

Their house left no traces of them neither.

Not a scent, nor hair, not even fucking clothes. It's as if..

He left.


"Leave, everyone get out" I said causing them all to comply as I grabbed my hair in frustration.

Where could he have gone to?

"Damon what's this all about?" Ethan said in concern entering the room, with our son trailing behind him.

Tristan has been well behaved recently since Theo and Keith has gone missing.

To which I'm great full for

I'm not in the mood to deal with my son's mischiefs.

"It's been two days Ethan. Theo and the mortal is still missing..just where could he have gone to?" I said in desperation causing him to sigh as he hugged me comfortingly.

"Well..we can't lock him up in this pack forever now can we? Let's just let them be Damon-"

"Get out. Get the fuck out I can't concentrate" I stated bluntly as I tapped my fingers on my desk pissed.
Ethan sighed as he walked out with Tristan obediently trailing behind him.

Just where could he have gon too??

He hasn't contacted at all. It's as if..his existence wiped out like thin air.

"Permission to enter your office sir" Francisco said causing me to cue for him to come in.

"What is it?"

"Sir...Alpha Matteo of the Deijang pack..has surrendered and is planning to postpone the war as soon as possible. " He said causing me to stop almost instantly.


That bitch who has a whale sized ego surrendered just a few days before the war?

"This letter is proof" He said handing me the red envelope.

Velvet red with the royal golden seal of the great Tyrant's pack was handed to me causing me to stare at it in disbelief.

It's..a royal decree.

"Ha..that bitch, I haven't even agreed to postponing the war yet and he's already declaring it" I stated pissed.

"You know I hate your guts Damon, I always had. But I now realized the value of my men, and my pack. I apologize for realizing it late and for putting even your pack to our childish bickering.

I sincerely hope you forgive me. On behalf of the Deijang pack, I Alpha Matteo Jose De Vara surrender. May you also choose peace and prosperity.

- sincerely, De Vara.

"He surrendered and apologized? Now that's something you don't see everyday." I stated shocked trying to process everything

Does he think I'm this cheap?

"This bitch seriously think I'm letting him off the hook because he apologized? Over my dead body. Francisco, come back here tonight, I want you to send my response letter by tomorrow morning"
I stated causing him to nod as he exited the office.

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