Unrest & Reunion

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic. This separatist movement, under the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.

Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo and mother of Gabriella Amidala-Skywalker, the current princess of Naboo, is returning to the Galactic Senate to vote on the critical issue of creating an ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC to assist the overwhelmed Jedi...

Meanwhile, a Naboo ship was making its way down to Coruscant. And on that ship was the lovely former queen of Naboo now a senator Padme Amidala.

"Senator, we're making our final approach into Coruscant." said the ship's liutenant.

"Very good, Lieutenant." said Padme.

"Good, tenant!" said a little voice beside Padme.

And the owner of that voice was a tiny toddler named Gabriella Amidala-Skywalker, though most people now knew her only as Gabriella Amidala. You see, it was unknown to most of the galaxy who Princess Gabriella's father was. He was none other than Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who was also Gabby's Jedi guardian whenever she was at the Temple. Being both a princess and potential Jedi master, Gabriella spent time in both worlds: Senate and Jedi. As far as anyone else knew, whatever happened at the party where Padme got pregnant, absolutely no one knew who the father was, but Padme assured everyone she would care for the baby and ensure she wouldn't be fatherless.

It was hard to find anyone who could look at the adorable princess without smiling, especially when she shined her beautiful green eyes and smiled at them. Even the most serious folks couldn't stop the corners of their mouths from rising as they gazed at the little cutie.

Gabby was a very curious little princess, and very smart for her age too. But, that didn't mean she was without the instincts of a toddler. One way or another, trouble found this child. But, as long as she had Teddy, she was usually kept at bay.

The ship soon made its way onto the landing platform. And it wasn't alone either. Two smaller ships also arrived, one of which was driven by R2-D2 and Captain Typho.

"We made it." said Typho, taking off his helmet as he approached a woman.

Padme and the crew exited the ship, the little princess being first out as she started toddling about across the platform.

"I guess I was wrong." said Typho. "There was no danger at all."

Suddenly... KABOOM!

A big explosion burst from inside the ship, sending everyone flying about, including a woman named Corde, who'd served as Padme's decoy.

"Corde!" Padme said, coming to Corde's side.

"I'm sorry," said Corde. "I've failed you, Senator."

"No." Padme felt tears coming to her eyes.

"Milady," said Typho, coming to Padme's side. "you're still in danger here."

Padme gasped. "Where's my baby?!"

"Mommy!" called a familiar voice. "Mommy!"

"Gabby, where are you?" Padme called.

Luckily, one of the guards was able to shield Gabby from the explosion.

"She's fine, Senator. Princess Gabriella is unharmed." said the guard, handing the toddler to her mother.

"Oh, Sweetie." Padme sighed with relief, kissing her baby's head. "I shouldn't have come back."

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