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I remember making this

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I remember making this


Lucien encountered Vil after his potions class. All Lucien could think about is, 'does Vil know?'

After that mess they made out of the rose maze-- there sure will be a big punishment for that. Lucien did remember he posted a photo about it... like a dum beach he is. He got too excited about their bat sheet crazy activity. Lucien's intuition is telling him that something is about to go down if not today then tomorrow. If not Vil then who?

Vil has not yet forgotten about what happened earlier this dawn. It made him a little vexed for some reason, but he can manage. The feeling is overwritten by his need to go and slave around Lucien. Like wtf, it's Lucien's fault for making Vil feel those stuff.

"Lucien, if I may ask, where are you going?"

Lucien got intimidated by Vil's gaze making him stutter, "I... forgot-"

The classroom door, a chair, portraits, a passerby, the hallway, whoa... Lucien is starting to notice things around him. He looked at anything but Vil.

Vil tensed his facial muscles, realizing these gestures... gestures of someone who's uncomfortable... and wants to be left alone. Vil would not be leaving! It must've been a false signal! Vil looked down at Lucien. If it wasn't for Lucien's posture, he would be taller than Vil.

"I see to it that you have nothing to do." Vil crossed his arms and relaxed his body. "I have a task for you."

Lucien is eager to listen but that doesn't mean he will accept. He knows the rights and wrongs. He's no genius but everyone has their principles and personal beliefs. Lucien could've declined Vil's request, but he sees nothing off about it. Well, he's too flustered to decline... After all, someone asked something from him. It's once in a blue moon.

Wasting no time, Lucien heads to Sam's shop to buy materials for potionology. Probably. It's none of Lucien's business but he's really curious about these materials. Lucien knows those ingredients are for making potions. But why? There won't be any practical potion-making until the second half of the semester... Or maybe Lucien just dozed off and missed the announcement. Oh, Hades.

"Hi, mister Sam." Lucien warmly smiles. "If you don't mind... The things in this list please." He gently placed the paper on the table and slide it forwards mister Sam.

"Of course, of course. I won't mind at all, little imp!" and now he's gone off to somewhere.

The sound of tingling. The sound of footsteps. The smell of one certain person. "Yahhh! Lucien! What you have here, ey? How's the club? What happened? Aha ha ha! Sorry, I gotta leave you hanging last time. It's kinda urgent... or something, but yeah. It's not pretty much because I don't wanna see Crowbi- Crowley, uh-huh."

"Ah............. Hello, Uno-senpai." Lucien bit his lower lip.

"What's with the long pause- I feel betrayed! Oh, hey Sam~! Put the prices on my tab!" Uno slammed a whole lot of goods on the table which is, by the way, not that empty in the first place.

"A tab? Space tab?" Lucien breathed out in disbelief.

"Space tab? What's that?" Uno asked in return.




Vil is scrolling through Magicam. He puts his phone inside his pocket after managing to like a post about flowers. Vil saw Lucien- mouth agape- smiling, breathing through his mouth.

"Here. Don't worry I paid for it." Lucien smiled innocently, much to Vil's distaste. There, they are just standing inside an empty classroom when Lucien started to whistle a melody. Much to both Vil and the authors' dismay, Lucien isn't the type to do the first move when he feels inferior, only if he deems it necessary would he do so.

"Why do you cover your eyes? It's such a shame wasting, or to be precise, hiding your eyes. You should let them shine their limelight." Vil decided to question before he leaves.

"Hm." Lucien hummed while taking his time trying to remember his reasoning behind hiding his eyes. Ah, right, he can remember it now, "I don't want to see, nor do I want to be seen."

Vil politely left trying to figure out the meaning behind Lucien's words.

Lucien won't admit but he felt a little special with this small interaction after all Vil is not just a nobody. Lucien would hear stories about Vil from Licht, sometimes they cross paths. Licht and Vil are simply acquainted. Licht truly admires Vil's skills, especially his passion. Licht did mention how he's a little unsure about how he felt weird about Vil not getting any leading roles except being the villain of some sort.

Looking at Vil's retreating figure, Lucien can't help but sigh. Lucien wanted to have a much longer conversation with Vil... or anyone. He just wants someone to talk to. Lucien felt betrayed by his own actions. He's blaming himself for the loneliness he currently feels. It's really hard for Lucien to participate in a conversation. Lucien much prefers to be an efficient listener, he finds joy in listening to others' blabbering, it makes him feel special. It's the same reason why he feels comfortable with Cater. Maybe... or not? 

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