entrance ceremony

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"State thy name." "Vil Schoen-" "Pomefiore."

Lucien is not even listening and just thinking to himself about things. To start off, he's thinking about his bangs/fringe- during the entrance ceremony, Lucien noticed that it is now inches longer and decided to trim it by himself later.

He noticed this when he became dead set on covering both of his eyes as he is not 'home' and is being conscious on what people will think about him. Lucien is afraid of people's gaze as he is pretty sure he's being judged. That is where the concept of first impression is created to put it kindly. Oh, but that's just his assumption, he haven't really confirmed the origins of 'first impressions.'

The person beside him on the queue is just pure quiet- both him and Lucien are pretty sure they are taking glances at each other.

Steel up, Lucien! Lucien heard from the backside of his brain. That's where he get the motivation the take the initiative and talk to the person beside him.

"....H... A ..H-hey..." Lucien is satisfied with his self. Lucien did a small wave with his gloved hand to catch the person's attention.

"M-..ah---I, y-yes?" The male muttered.


Talk again you coward. Lucien heard the same voice again. He panicked as he did not know what to say but then Lucius, the person in their family, who's good at keeping up conversations with those ho hates him came into his mind. Lucien did learn a thing or two from him so he asked, "Yah play games?"

Oopsie, his mouth moved on it's own and said the words different to what he originally wanted to say.

The whispers between the two started. "H-how did you know?"

"I don't..?"


"My big bro got me a PC set up. I wanted to play games but I don't know where to start. S-sorry I think I talked too m-much."

"Are you living in a cave?! You normie, but y-yeah, so you should download soulX f-first. It's a platform to add your companions and possibly play multiplayer games with them. A-and so, uh, Disghost to hangout with them. That. Hey, are you listening? D-did I talked too much?"

"Oh. soulX? How can I- a-add you there?"

"....search my gamertag."

"Oh. Your gamer tag is?"





"Ugh- I- can't. Uh... My g-gamertag-"

"What's gloomurai? How do I spell t-that?? Is it all in caps?"

"You- caveman.. Listen closely, I won't r-repeat this again! G-L-O-O-M-U-R-A-I."

"Okay? Cool. I'll make my gamertag...hmmm... Black Knight."

"Pfft what? Do you have 8th grader syndrome- I-i-i-i-I w-was just kidding!"

"Wuzzat?" "Truckin' normie-"

"-ext.... Ehem, Next!" Lucien looked up to see what's happening and he realizes it's Gloomurai's turn to be sorted. Lucien panicked and started slapping Gloomurai's shoulder rapidly which made Gloomurai panick too and slapped his shoulder back. A slapping war begins. What a sight.

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