It will soon start, they told us to prepare, but it's been 10 minutes I am ready. The 6 of us went in the stadium, I was watching Darryl, I'm ready.


Geez. Why is he so loud. And everyone cheered, being even louder. We six looked at the top of an obstacle, the mouse was there, ready, he has a cool mask and we can't see any of his skin.


Okay, that's an easy rule, I wasn't planning to do so anyway.


WOAH- okay he said that so fast I wasn't ready, the mouse already ran away, but at least the others weren't ready either.

Darryl started running for the mouse, I quickly followed him. Plus, Darryl found the mouse directly, though he ran away, runs fast too. But then the others were to the other side so the mouse was cornered.

Or so I thought, there was a little hole and he fitted in it, passing through, we clearly do not fit in that.

And he clearly couldn't fit in that either, it looks like he made himself smaller or something. "WHAT THE HELL HOW" that other guy yelled and started running again. We all followed, trying to find him, he run really fast, I'm one of the fastest, but the mouse is quite faster than me. Which is surprising.

He kept dodging us all. "Damn He's very agile." Darryl whispered to himself, oh damn I almost forgot my main goal.

"but are you?" I asked and Darryl looked at me as I tried to attack him. He dodged quickly "dude?? This isn't what we have to do!"

"This is what I have to do"

I tried to attack him again, he didn't fight back, just kept dodging. I noticed the others were watching us, not trying to catch the mouse anymore.

"HELLO, You don't need to attack anyone! You need to catch the mouse!" The master said.

"THIS ISNT A RULE!" I yelled back and tried to attack him again, people were still cheering, as it was action and they like fights. This is so stupid anyway.

I heard the master sigh in the microphone "Mouse." He said, it annoys me, Darryl keep dodging, my dad will be mad if I don't do that.

Then all of sudden the mouse got in front of me. As if he's protecting Darryl. He put a finger in front of me, saying no, and shaking his head. Does he take me for a fucking dog??

I tried to kick him away but he grabbed my foot and made me fall backwards. What the fuck anyway. I thought he'd only run and dodge, not fight!

"If you really want to play with rules, well, there's no rules saying the mouse can't fight back." The master said, ugh, that's annoying.

The mouse made an L with his fingers at me, ugh he annoys me, I'll finish him first. I took my demon claws out and got up, running after the mouse again, him running away.

The others seems to have stopped trying to catch the mouse, I mean I probably scare them. Only Darryl followed.

As I tried to catch him, he eventually just turned around and kicked me, finally decided to fight back, but this time I was ready and dodged him.

I tried to fight him but he kept dodging. Then I noticed Darryl was just watching, this would probably be the right time to finish him.

I ran to Darryl and he noticed so he dodged me. I turned around and was about to go back to him, but I got held by someone. Oh My bad, not only someone, it was the four others that held me so I stay in place.

I growled at them, but it wasn't easy to get away from them as it was four vs one. It was Darryl's turn to fight the mouse.

Eventually enough Darryl was able to grab the mouse, pinning him on the ground, wait I can't let him win?! My dad will kill me?!

I kept trying to get away from the four, trying to scratch them, The mouse was now pinned down by Darryl and trying his best to get away.

"ONE" the master yelled, counting to five, if he gets to five, Darryl will win. I CAN'T let that happen!

"TWO" I kept trying to get away, they're really teaming with Darryl?! Even the two from my school?!

"THREE" The mouse didn't look like he was able to move his legs or arms, Darryl definitely knows what he's doing.

"FOUR" I FINALLY, FINALLY got away! Pushing the four away and scratching two of them, then ran to Darryl, pushing him away, JUST IN TIME.

The mouse sat up quickly as he was free. "A QUICK SAVE!" Everyone cheered.

It was clearly the time I get him. I was mad anyways. I growled and pinned Darryl down, he gasped. I was demon growling a bit, as he stared at me with wide eyes, and he coughed, looking like he's trying to catch his breath.

I stopped growling and looked down. Oh. I've, I've stabbed him in the stomach with my claws. I didn't even, noticed. Great. This is done. Now at least my dad will finally be proud of me.

He kept coughing and I got away from him. Why does it feel so weird, I didn't think I'd care like at all. My dad said I'd feel good after doing so.

I looked around a bit, the place had went quiet, everyone had wide eyes. I looked at my hands, being bloody. Oh god, okay what the hell did I do. Oh god why would my dad say that- why would he let me do that?!

I'm panicking now, what do I do- "OKAY, OKAY THIS CHALLENGE IS CANCELED-" The master yelled quickly, he seemed in panic too.

"DARRYL!" I looked at the mouse as he yelled and ran to Darryl. He knows him? Who is that guy. Everyone has started panicking.

The mouse quickly held Darryl, Darryl was still conscious. He looked at the mouse with some tired eyes.

"C-Come on you promised me you wouldn't die.." The mouse said in panic, his voice being high pitched and he's clearly shaking.

Wait Promised? Why would someone even promise that?

"Zak?" Darryl said. Woah what. Darryl slowly detached the mouse's mask, making it fall on the ground, showing his face, which was indeed Zak.

What the hell why is it him. And how does he knows Darryl. He's crying a lot and he pulled his second mask down.

Then Darryl put his hand on Zak's cheek, rubbing his thumb and getting the tears away. "I won't die, I,.... I won't die Zak, I did promise," he said, smiling at him. Then the healers already came around, quickly taking care of Darryl, so Zak got away to let them do.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU DUDE?!" One of the other guy yelled at me, so I looked at him with wide eyes, but kept smiling.

"I didn't mean to, I..., no, I did mean to, but I fucking didn't want to," I said, Which was true, I never wanted to do any of this.


I looked at Zak, he seemed more calm and looked at me. "I'll make you regret this."

I stared at him, this isn't good at all. Ugh. "EVERYONE GET OFF THE STADIUM WE WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM. THE CHALENGE IS CANCELED, NO ONE IS ELIMINATED." The master yelled, and we all listened. Going back to the rooms.

•Zak's pov•
MY ONLY GOAL, was to make sure FELIX DOESN'T TOUCH DARRYL. I messed it up! I swear, Darryl is in the hospital now, we're a few people waiting to know if he's fine. Like his friends. None of his family is here, I'm not so surprised.

He better be alright, come on he promised me. I was walking in circles, Nick had tried to calm me but he just couldn't, even if I try to, I can't calm!

I swear! THIS- ugh
Felix will pay for that.

2008 words

(I hope this was not too complicated to understand <3)

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