Chapter V

19 3 1

(Photo of Eagle for tax!) 

A/N: Hey guys! Apologies for the long wait, but the past month has been an absolute roller coaster for me. Thankfully, things seem to have leveled out for the time being, so we should be back to a normal updating schedule. As of right now, there's three chapters left for this fic. After that, I'll be paying special attention to SOL to hopefully progress that story further along. However, I don't know when I'll be posting something new there. I haven't finished out the latest chapter, not to mention I'm getting the itch to just scrap the whole thing and take it a different direction... so we'll see. 

In the meantime, enjoy this latest update! 

Date Updated: 3/19/23

~ ////////////////// * AR * //////////////////////////// ~

They decided to take it easy that night; (something Cub was privately thankful for seeing as he still hadn't shared anything that happened this afternoon.) Since they were all pretty worn out from that day's activities, they just sat around the fire making idle chit chat with one another. Things eventually got quiet between them all and they just sat and enjoyed each other's company. Alex sat cushioned between Sam and Ben while Nick continued to try and annoy James with small twigs poking into his ear. Eventually the man had enough and wrenched the tiny object from Eagle's grasp, tossing it carelessly into the fire. The sharp shooter looked devastated for a minute before giving the unit leader a deadpanned look.

"You're absolutely zero fun." He grumbled, nestling down further into the giant throw he'd managed to cram into his bag somehow, this one different from the other still sitting discarded in the Tahoe's back seat. Wolf just grunted and stared at the fire, deciding to ignore the fact that the sharp shooter was shamelessly pressing against his side.

"Stop being so annoying then."

"I can't help it, Wolfie. You're just so fun to annoy."

Wolf glared down at his unit mate's sweetly innocent grin. Sensing a brawl coming on, Sam intervened before it could escalate to that point.

"Wolf, let it go. Eagle, stop annoying people or it's early bedtime."

The sharp shooter's mouth dropped open, while Fox and Cub laughed. "You did not just threaten me with an early bedtime."

"I did," he gave the second youngest a smug grin before turning serious once more. "And I will follow through with it if necessary."

Eagle gaped at him for a few more seconds before scoffing softly, shaking his head. "Whatever, mother."

The rest of their evening dissolved into playful ribbing after that. When it was nearing midnight, Fox volunteered to put out the fire while everyone got ready for bed. After bidding everyone goodnight, Cub closed himself up in his tent. Miraculously, he was asleep within seconds.

{ * AR * }


So much damn blood.

It was everywhere.

Where am I?

Two muffled voices could be heard through the confused, murky fog. Both distinctly male. There was a loud clang of something heavy and made of metal banging against the floor. Whether it was done to be intimidating or to bang something into place was unknown. But the sudden surge of fear enveloping his soul told him the former was a more accurate assumption.

What do want from me?

Evil, bone chilling laughter filled the air. He felt his hair stand on end, chills running up and down his spine. He got the sudden sense he wasn't supposed to be there. Something was majorly wrong. He could feel his heart pound painfully against his chest. There's no way his captors didn't hear it. It sounded similar to that of a freight train rushing in his ears. He felt way too much like a cornered mouse waiting for the killing blow.

W-who are you?

The question was innocent. Scared, even. He felt an angry presence close in on his own. Another enclosing in on his left side. Both felt dark, nasty. They were apparitions of sorts without any kind of distinguishable features. A cruel chuckle left his captor's nonexistent lips, crawling straight into his ear. The one on his left side stroked his cheek, running down his neck. But the object wasn't a finger. It felt far to cold and sharp.

Tell us what you know.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Yes you do! Tell us or you die!

Terror unlike anything he's ever felt before burned through his veins like acid. He could hardly take a deep breath. His lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves. His heart started to feel like it wasn't beating properly. Was he dying? Is this what it felt like to know you were experiencing the last moments of your life before facing certain doom?

I'm not telling you anything. I won't betray them. I will never betray them.

Certainty. Finality. Acceptance. He wasn't backing down. Not now. Not ever. He would die protecting their secret.

Then you will die.

It was a cold statement. He raised his chin defiantly, allowing the glinting blade full access to the tender tissue of his throat. He stares them down, daring them to follow through with the consequence for his lack of cooperation. The captor who spoke raised the blade to his exposed throat. The cold metal made goosebumps appear, but he didn't flinch away. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

Very well. Any last words?

He musters all the last remaining bits of his cocky personality, letting the emotion shine through into his smile he gives his soon to be murderer. All previous ounce of fear was gone in that moment. Only an apathetic acceptance took it's place. He was ready.

Go to hell you son of a bitch.

All he felt was a sharp sting in the middle of his throat, before an overwhelming coppery tang filled his mouth. Thick, warm liquid bubbled up and ran down his esophagus, cutting off any chance of an air supply. He choked meekly, blood spraying out in a fine mist. Black spots soon began to dance in his vision, dizziness setting in soon after. With his final breath, he caught his captors watching his struggles from the doorway. His eyes bore into their faceless figures, a strong heated wave of rage consuming him before darkness took over and he was no more...

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