Chapter I

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A/N: Hello and welcome to my new story! Before we begin, I just want to mention a couple things so no one gets confused.  

~ The story you're about to read is a bit of an AU I created where: 

         - A) The soldiers are all wolf shifters. Certain canon characters will be mentioned, but for the most part, this story will be centered around the unit and Alex.  

        - B) Fox never left the SAS. 

      -  C) Most depictions of the characters are based off headcanons. 

      - D) Alex is OOC in the sense that he views K-Unit as his fam and treats/trusts them as such. No bad blood is between them. 

       - E) Not really apart of the "AU" thing, but I'm including it here anyway. Later on, you will come across the reason for his particular point. Plz note I've researched and chosen to ignore this park's rules for the sake of  this story. Forgive me. 

       - F) Last but not least... this is my first go at creating a spooky fic in a loooooonnng time. Be prepared for some drama. 

I hope that clears up any possible inquiries. If you would still like some more details on a certain matter, plz feel free to message me, or write a comment. Thanks and I hope y'all enjoy! 

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything you recognize! 

Published: 1/9/22


Snake held back an agitated groan for what felt like the millionth time in the last hour. He felt that agitation grow as Wolf's new, fully loaded black Audi Q8 swerved around another car rather aggressively (and unnecessarily, Sam may add.) The SUV had been gifted from the unit leader's  many siblings over the holidays because James apparently needed "a family vehicle so they could all go out together as a unit" and to also "get rid of that older than shit truck" he had before. 

Needless to say, he was putting the sporty car through it's paces. 

The Scottish medic side eyed his leader, studying him. For some reason, the man seemed to be stuck in a constant odd state of evasive/road raging maneuvers when behind the wheel. It wasn't until James nearly caused an accident by quickly cutting off a small sedan - for no apparent reason other than because he could, mind you - that Snake finally had enough. 

"Wolf!" Sam barked, glaring over from the passenger seat. And damn him if that shout wouldn't even make the Sergeant proud... "We're not in a bloody damn war zone! Stop driving like it!" 

"That asshat was impeding the lane, Sam!" Wolf yelled back, throwing up a hand. The engine roaring as they continued to race down the highway. "What did you want me to do?" 

"React calmly and signal your intentions! You did learn that right?" The sandy haired soldier questioned incredulously with a raised brow. In the background, quiet muffled chuckles erupted from the back seat. 

Sam fought to not roll his eyes at them. Of course they would find this amusing. 

The dark haired leader's careless scoff brought him back to the situation at hand. "Of course I learned that! Doesn't mean I always have to use it." He finished in a grumble. 

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