The night of nightmares

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Alexia was softly giggling with a small smile while Johnathan was running his fingers through her red hair. He had looked down at her and what he saw was someone innocent and yet someone who had experienced pain from something in their past.

"How are you feeling, Alex? Are you feeling alright?" Johnathan asked her in a soft voice. He didn't want to be loud since the other residents of the Soul residents complained of their ears being sensitive more than ever taking their bloody tablets.

"I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you, but shouldn't we be in class right now?" Alexia asked him since she had looked over at the clock that was over at her desk. It was pass the time that the first class started.

"Not unless you have the strength to get up and stand on your own feet to walk to get to class." Johnathan told her. He knew that after taking the tablets for the first time, the person would barely stand let alone walk to class by themselves. Since he also knew the side effects of the tablets especially when the dosage is so high.

"I barely have the strength to get up and walk." Alexia quietly tells him while there was a blush on her cheeks which was a sign of embarrassment because she couldn't feel anything especially her legs so she couldn't stand up. "But I feel like I've known you all of my life. You're so kind and gentle." She tells him in a whisper since she was getting sleepy.

"Thank you." Johnathan smiled while he had replied to her. He was happy to take the compliment from her.

"Do you mind if I sleep some more? All of my energy is gone and spent." Alexia asked him while she had moved her whole body towards him with her head and face almost into his hip. She felt safe with him, which she felt slightly weird for her to feel at the moment.

"Go ahead and sleep, Alex. You've had a rough night. I will be here when you wake up." Johnathan tells her in a soft whisper while he just placed his hand on the side of her head.

When Johnathan placed his hand on the side of her head, it was with care along with the whisper. He knew sleepiness in pure-bloods could cause the said pure-blood on either on edge when they sleep somewhere unknown or happily sleep for the full daylight hours.

Alexia didn't hear him nor replied to him since she had already fallen asleep with her head on his lap. It was already four am.

Alexia hated the fact that she's been awake for the most part of the past twenty-four hours.

Being awake for that long for a pure-blood vampire wasn't good, it was terrible for them when they are getting used to the tablets.

Not even two hours later, she had woken up with an unhappy look on her face when the Soul Class came back into the dormitory.

Alexia wasn't happy that her sleep was disturbed from the others coming inside the dorm. It was now six thirty am, and she was mad that she was woken up by the other residents of the dormitory.

When the class came back into the dormitory, Issac and Alexander came to see Alexia to see how she was feeling, since they both knew that Johnathan was gone. Both Alexander and Issac had a suspicion that Johnathan had gone and seen the dean to help her.

When both of them walked into Alexia's room to check up on her. What the both of them saw was Alexia's emerald green eyes were hazed and her eyes were dulled.

When Alexander and Issac saw Alexia's emerald green eyes, her eyes had changed into a bright hazel. This meant Alexia was spacing out and she couldn't hear them even if she had tried to get out of it.

Johnathan got worried and he had called out to Alexia multiple times, but she didn't respond to him. When Issac called Alexia, by his nickname for her, which was Alley. Alexia had snapped out of it and she had blinked a few times.

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