Chapter 1

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Finally, after what seemed to be like days, the train arrived at the station. As I collect my luggage, two other passengers approach me with what seems like deep concern.
'Can I help you with anything?' I ask confused
'Excuse me young man, but are you perhaps going to that 7 km away town from this station?'
'Indeed I am, is there any problem?' I say while scanning them suspiciously.

'No, no! It's just that, I heard that the town has some sinister things going on, and there isn't any connection from that town to others around, plus it's so far! And you look young, I'm afraid something might happen to you, as such we wanted to warn you and maybe guide you somewhere else?' one of them said with an awfully sweet expression.
'Well, thank you for the concern, but my relatives live there, so I'll be just fine. Have a nice day.' I say, while turning my back to them and going on my 1 and a half hour walk to the town.

As I begin my so relaxed walk, that would actually get me around 2 hours to complete, I can hear a "hmph!" behind me, and I could feel the indignation coming from that sound. Thinking that they were scammers, I ignored them as I could hear the train leaving.
'Tsk. Think you can fool me? Dream on you old fools.' I whisper as I put my headphones on and play my favourite road playlist.

For now, let's see some things about my life that brought me into this situation.

My name is m!y/n, 18 years old, and I come from Romania, a far away place from here. Most people don't even know that my country even exist, thought it's to be expected, after all a magical circle is around it that stops anyone that doesn't have romanian blood to enter(quite xenofobic, don't u think?).
Anyway, as you might've already guessed, I come from a place where magic exists, or at least some kind of magic does.
If I have powers or not and if I do, what kind, I guess you'll know soon enough.

I'm on my way to live with my relatives. More specific with my cousin that also came here a few years ago and her uncle.

The place where I am heading to is called Lazy Town. Why I'm here in the first place, well.... It's just that I am not the most forgiving person, some bullies thought they were better than me and did what bullies know best....and let's just say that the police was involed.
And as such, I was sent here by my oh so loving family, to be in a calmer place and isolate myself from those kinds of people.

To be honest, I'm kind of thankful they sent me here. They might seem harsh by sending me somewhere new alone, but they actually sent me to a place where I can clear my mind and relax for once, without having too much to take care of.

The two hour long walk could've been done in half an hour ride with a taxi from one of the other nearby towns, but I thought I could use the long and silent walk to organise my thoughts.
Even if the luggage what somewhat hard to carry, it was worth it.

It was currently the beginning of the summer break, July to be specific, so the weather is starting to get hotter and hotter everyday, and as such I had to make a few stops along the way to take a few sips of cool water.
My luck is that I left the train in a loose white t-shirt with some thin black cargo pants and some black converse, so I can say I'm pretty alright in the current weather.

After an hour of continuously walking in the sun, I stopped at a big rock on the side of the paved road to rest my legs for a bit. As I sit there, my phone rings so I take it out to see that I'm getting a call from my father.

'Yolo!' I say unenthusiastically.
'Did you arrive?' he asks in his monotonous voice.
'Uhhh, not yet. But I'll be there soon.' I say while studying my black and green painted nails.
(A/N: yes, you paint your nails, plus, they are quite well maintained)

'Pick up the pace, sir Meanswell called me to ask when will you arrive. And don't forget to call him uncle starting your stay there.' He said leaving no room for options.
Mister Meanswell being my cousin's uncle, well, I guess now mine too?
'Yes yes, tell him I'll be there in another hour or so.' I said exhaling loudly.
'Mh. Stay safe.' he says as he closes the call.
'mhm' I mutter.

As I stare at my phone, which was a lot more advanced than the ones in other countries, I see a big shadow looming over me for a few seconds until it passed over my head and continued in the direction I was going.
As I raise my head to look over, all I see is a big american football shaped thing way up in the sky, going at a somewhat advanced speed towards the place where I'm supposed to go.
I think I caught the colors blue, red and white or silver on it, but it moved too fast for me to register.

Thinking back to what those people from before said, I ponder.
'It seems like this won't be such a boring stay after all', I say as I begin to gather my things and make my way to my destination, a place that will somehow change my fate.

(A/N: from now on is gonna be y/n instead of m!y/n just so it's easier to write, but the mc is still male)

(A/N: also, leave a little star ✨⭐✨ if you liked this chapter, here on out!)

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