CH# 8

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chiave pov:

now ready to regroup with the others as the leader of his gang now came up with a printed map of the school district in the form of a piece of paper from the desk...

chiave: now we're talking! now let's get out here!

...broca nodded as they both got up to get a move on to where both aosta and thorns are, only for the redhead to get jumped on from behind by some midget with an eastern-themed jacket and a couple of submachine guns chained together as she now attempted to choke chiave... 

chiave; br-broca! h-help me!

...and broca spent zero time to waste to help his boss out as he now dropped his mining tool to reach out to the girl that is choking chiave, as he now unwrapped the literally metallic chains from his neck that the obviously little girl now is giving the two of them death glares...

chiave: Che cazzo uomo?!

???: what did you say to me!?

...she now took a good look at the two of them as she now knew that something is really wrong here, but she still stayed angry...

???: I said ... what did you say to me!?

...broca could only roll his eyes at how childish that achieve is being right now...

chiave; I said it! i insulted my own language! the girl is now trying in vain to struggle out of broca's strong grip as he obviously is used to carrying a mining tool and fighting tough guys in the past, as she panted knowing that the man is too strong and too tall for her to break out of his she now called out for backup...

???: well~! i didn't know that we might get some house guests late this night...

...this made the two of them look in her direction as she raised her assault rifle towards them, as Broca now distracted the girl is in favor of biting his wrist, and he dropped her as she ran over to some busty girl who was standing there a while ago, as Broca now grabbing his drill, as chiave now pulled out his large red wrench as they expected a fight...

chiave: ok! now this is getting a little too crazy! the cover of darkness now covered their faces and prevented an exceedingly made things a bit difficult for the armed maids to see them clearly, as the fighting is going the maids who are all armed with firearms are a getting the advantage over the street gang, as the little chibi one managed to pry the giant wrench out of his own hands and managed to slam it on his leg...

chiave: aaaargghhh!!

???: ha! i gotcha it now!

...and this is the last straw, as he is forced to leave his poor wrench behind as he shouted to the others to stop fighting and to run away...leaving the maids who responded to their attempt to run away form the fighting, as the boys who are in the cover of darkness now aw are forced to retreat to where the most of them think it's safe...

chiave: yo thorns! time to scram!

...he quickly tagged thorns...or who he initially thought was thorns a while ago in the scramble...


now finding themselves with two of the other two of Chiave's street gang with aosta and Broca serving as lookouts, and chiave and thorns now-...or at least what looks like thorns to be exact...

chiave: ok thorns i know we're not- woah! i didn't know that there are like...thorns having a twin sister!?

thorns: no i do not have one...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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