CH# 4

572 13 9

now staying in a specialized waiting room, where they are waiting until the next transport is ready to go take them back to the Abydos high school as they all collectively talked all about their concerns...

serika: I don't like this at all...first they-

Hoshino...uhhhh...Oji-san is now pretty unhappy...

...they looked at the metal door that is also the very room that they are all in where they are waiting for the people that got them in here in the first place...

shiroko: I don't think i remember that they didn't say about us moving about in this facility...

hoshino: they weren't maybe we can all just simply sneak out of here...

serika: oh finally!

nonomi:...oh my my~! i guess we can just visit this place as long as they let us!

hoshino: well we don't know what they keep in here...but I don't see it...

nonomi: hmmm...still I wonder what if-

serika: oh no, you don't! you're not going to get us all in trouble!

nonomi: oh my~!'re pretty mature today...

they kept on with this little exchange for a little while longer as they now ended it with them sticking their heads out of the doorway to see if the coast is clear, and they see some pretty"peculiar" sights...

shiroko: their guns all seems to be individually custom-made...i wonder what made them...

hoshino: strange no guns...i guess that they're using cost-effective methods

serika: so ...what're we-...and is that a chainsaw!?

well, serika's overreaction now suddenly gets the attention of a girl with cat ears who is nearby, and is also to their surprise isn't with a kind of halo on top of her head like a sankta from terra...

???: heck yeah!...and you must've be the students that live in that run down school?

...they kept quiet as her upbeat personality is now overwhelming them...

nonomi: and may we know why you are using a chainsaw?...

blaze: oh...sorry but that is my little secret ok? the codename's blaze by the way!

nonomi: well that's pretty good to know...well, I do own my own chaingun you know!

blaze: wait...isn't that illegal?

nonomi: well no it's not in kivotos!

they both went on and on, all the way until blaze left, with nonomi being amused at the fact that everyone in Rhodes island is almost exclusively using close-range to melee a kind of facility in their own eyes had appeared without them knowing, as they all are there without their weapons and as they all left with closure coming back to have them to go met up with kal'tsit again...

closure; eeeehhhh!? where'd they go!?

...she looked around the room to where she doesn't even know that the countermeasure task force are all passing by right behind her...


now sneaking through the halls as their need to go find some basic understanding about this rhodes island organization and what they want...or at least telling someone about their existence...

shiroko: strange...this place feels like both millennium and wild hunt combined...somehow...

hoshino: please be careful...we still don't know what is this place wants from us, or even stay close!

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