Breaking Bad but they have insurance

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WALTER WHITE (played by Bryan Cranston) lies in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. His wife SKYLER (played by Anna Gunn) sits beside him, looking worried.

(voice cracking)
Walt, we got the test results back. It's cancer.

I suspected as much. So, what's next?

(shaking her head)
We'll fight this together. We'll use your health insurance to cover your treatment and get the best care possible.

(smiling weakly)
Thank goodness for that.

Over the next few weeks, Walter undergoes chemotherapy and other treatments, all covered by his health insurance. Although he experiences side effects and setbacks, he remains optimistic and determined to beat the disease.

As he continues to recover, Walter starts to reevaluate his life and realizes that he's been unsatisfied with his job as a high school chemistry teacher. With his newfound perspective, he decides to use his skills to start his own chemical company, working alongside his former lab assistant, GALE (played by David Costabile).

Together, they develop innovative products and quickly become a success in the industry. However, Walter's new business venture puts a strain on his marriage, as Skyler worries about the potential risks and legal implications of his work.

Despite the challenges, Walter's company thrives, and he finds a new sense of purpose and fulfillment in his life. He becomes a respected figure in the industry, and his work improves the lives of countless people around the world.

As Walter's health improves, he reflects on his journey and realizes that his cancer diagnosis was a wake-up call that led him down a path he never would have taken otherwise. He feels grateful for his health insurance and the opportunity it gave him to fight his illness and pursue his dreams.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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