preview for next chapter

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Im gonna have to apologize so many times for how much I've neglected this story :-;

Im sorry I didn't make the end of year deadline, my plan was to have two chapters ready so i could publish them close together instead of likely doing the "oh there's your chapter im gonna disappear again" 

Christmas once again chaos and then still busy with work and then the last week I've had to start taking care of my grandad bc of a sudden health decline (on the plus side I'll probably spend more time writing once I've settled in the house)

Im like 1.5k words into this upcoming chapter so i figure while y'all wait have a little sneaky peak

Note that i haven't checked the grammar and i might alter some of this

I also plan to finally correct the grammar/word mistakes from previous chapters probably be done before the new chapter

IDK WHY I CALLED WALL-E WALTER I MUSTVE BEEN HIGH /J (but really that'll be fixed too) 



Today, the two cryborgs and their guides spent the day out taking in the sights of the Museum, located right by the famous and familiar Axion.

Over the last century, the citizens have managed to recover many pieces of treasures and paintings from the old world and bundle them together into a tourist attraction.

Naturally there are other historical spots plotted elsewhere around the world, however, this exact spot in New Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (not to be confused with New New Philadelphia, Ohio), has the edge when it comes to history. All you need to mention is Wall-E and the Aixon to think of this town alone.

Recently a group of men had return back from their long trip with paintings from a place called The White House. President Shelby Forthright, the man responsible for Operation Recolonise supposedly lived and worked there 950 years ago.

Those paintings were to be added to the almost completed section of the Museum, the history of Earth's comeback. Eve, Wall-E, Autumn and Gordon are the first to have a sneak peek of the exhibit as special guests.

"Welcome!" The tour guide chimmed the minute she recognised them, she opened up the curtain enough for the group to walk through, "thank you so much for coming along, can I say I'm a huge fan of both of you!"

"T-Thank you," Eve responded back, a little unsure if she was saying the right thing. Gordon gave her a thumbs up for confirmation.

"How's the setup going?" Autumn asked the guide, the two seemed to know each other.

"Oh you know, it's a LOT of work, but progress is going well, we just got the paintings from President Forthright's place of residence, that part is about ready, let me show you."

The tour began at what appears to be a set up of an office, most of the furniture is brand new with the exception of a few planks of really old wood and draws, the paintings hung behind the desk. This must be the Presidents' office. On the desk lay a file with the words 'Operation Recolonise' written on it.

The next part of the tour had a bunch of Wall-E bots all in groups paired with a couple of cubes of rubbish, all of them had been reassembled from the infamous grave site, and none of them had circuit boards so no life existed within any of them.

Wall-E was stuck in place as he stared at the scene, something about seeing his long-dead brothers pieced together haunted him. It reminded him of the times he had to take pieces of them to keep himself going, and that feeling of guilt and sadness whenever he had to do so...

"Wall-E?" Eve placed her hand on his shoulder as she spoke in a concerned tone, "are you ok?"

"I'm ok...." he lamented, "it's strange to see them like this, that's all..."

"Come on," holding each other's hand, the pair walked away to catch up with the rest of the group.

The next few sections were still under construction so there wasn't much to show but the plans and ideas were there, especially for the Axion part of the tour. For now, the ship stood still covered by mother nature's plants. 

"...And we also have some ideas to introduce a museum cafe inside, with our regular food and drink, of course," the tour guide finished talking about the Axion plans. "So that leaves one last exhibit this way!"

At the end of the line stood a handcrafted glass display case; that's it. However, what was inside that case struck a chord for some of them. Neatly placed inside, laid on the pillow a half-destroyed circuit board, a twisted arm, and a shattered eye. Everybody recognised those pieces.

"Are those Wally's broken parts from that day?" Gordon reluctantly asked the guide. 

"Yes," she smiled, "generously donated by Wally himself."

"........" Wall-E remembers being asked if they could use those parts in the museum months ago while Eve was inactive, the museum people spoke to him about all the Wall-E parts if they could use them. He didn't want to say no....and probably didn't know how to, but it's for a good cause he thought so gave them permission, course, he didn't realise they would trigger him later...

But this means something else....something very important after the Axion landed, but what?

What happened that day? One minute he was fighting Auto's commands on the Axion, the next he was back home with Eve staring happily at him, there is a piece in his memory missing...until now he didn't even think to challenge Eve about it, maybe he should soon... 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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