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"Cale" - Talking

'Cale' - Thinking


Cale woke up to find that he was not lying down on the ground anymore, he was in a bed, and not a particulary luxurious one but a comfortable one. He blinked and looked around, realising he was back again in Korea, and at a middle-class house. He stood up and mumbled.

"How come I don't have any money?"

When he looked in the mirror, he saw a person with beautiful red hair that matched his browish-red eyes, he also had a muscular body. In conclusion, he was attractive. He paused for a moment as he thought about all the ways to earn money using looks. Finally, his mind striked with a thought as he looked around for something, and then he found it: a phone. He looked and looked in google until he found a perfect company that he wanted to work for, PTG Entertainment, a company that recruits talented people and make them into famous models, singers and actors, and has a nice reputation as a result of two of their recruits, two singers, named DG and Aru. Cale sent them an email requesting an audition, then dressed up and set out to explore South Korea.

The South Korea he was in now was very different from the South Korea he knew; this South Korea is very calm and peaceful.

'Thank goodness, I haven't forgotten how to pay bills with money, but I do need to save up money to live here, and most importantly I AM HUNGRY' Cale frowned; normally, when he was in the other world, he would simply ask Ron, his butler, to get him food,  thinking about his butler also made Cale think about his family there and how they are right now, as he started to walk towards a small shop on the sidewalk which had a massive and expensive car parked next to it.

He wasn't the only one there, there were two people there, they were both wearing glasses.

'Is this some kind of trend nowadays?'


-Author's note-

I actually have not idea on what to write here, well, you guys already know who they are right? Comment them down below if you do! Come on, a few click of keys and thats it! Also, did you guys see that star? In the bottom! Guess what? If you click on it, it will be shaded! 

what? You guys do not believe me?

Try it out yourself!

Hope you all are doing well! :)


-Author out-

-The mysterious redhead from nowhere-Where stories live. Discover now