1.Interwined fates

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I've got a job for you Mr. Lim."

Younger male spoke with a cold tone. Sending shivers to other man's body .Mr Lim was gazing down at the ground holding his hand behind back as he spoke to him. Mr Lim nodded silently shaking in fear from the presence of the man infront of him

"Hey"the abrupt cold tone frightened Mr Lim as he flinched in panic "look at me when I'm speaking"he raised his voice taking a step a little closer to Mr Lim. Mr Lim slowly forced his head up gazing into his eyes with agony

"Don't give me that pathetic look Lim"the younger male whispered in low tone accusingly .he caressed his back hand on other's cheek while talking .

Mr Lim slightly stumbled to the ground quickly gaining his balance back."I'm sorry ,Boss Please spare me ."

The words were slowly slipped in meek whisper. His boss gave him a disgusted look scoffing as he began walking away from him. Mr Lim followed him closely. Both of them walked outside of the dark warehouse .

The night was tainted by dark grey clouds blocking the crescent moon. The air was heavy with chilling cold, forcing all breath turn into misty white vapour.

There was a black car that then pulled up to both of them . Mr Lim hurried over to open the door for his boss Kim Taehyung. letting him in first and then himself.

Kim Taehyung was ruthless when it came to mission. He was one of  biggest mafia leader in south korea. Mere name of him was enough to send shivers in most of the goons and even to police.

"You have to kill someone,a doctor to be precise. He turned out to be another spy in gang " Kim Taehyung spoke emptily turning his gaze towards window

"I get it ,boss" Mr Lim whispered staring at his lap

Ten minutes later the vehicle abruptly stopped. They were at another abandoned building. Mr Lim opened the door and climbed out followed by Taehyung . He ordered Mr Lim to shut the door as he began speaking ,"use your connection to search him. Hurry up." With every word a deep white puff of vapour released from his lips

"Yes boss" Mr Lim bowed slightly.

Within next 15 minutes he found him hiding behind the trash can.

"Take him to me " Taehyung ordered sternly on the other side of the phone. Doctor had pure face of terror plastered on his face.

"What a lovely night we are having here" Taehyung paused smirking as he took step  towards the doctor. " You obviously know that you have done something terribly wrong it's no surprise."Taehyung let out dark chuckle

"P-please y-you have t-th-the wrong guy !"doctor stumbled over his word as he began to move backward. shaking in utter fear.

"Make it look like a new killer is on the loose "Taehyung demanded  to Mr. Lim  ignoring doctor's word.

Mr. Lim quickly whipped out his knief and stabbed the side of doctor's neck without hesitation.  The warm red liquid seeped onto his hands , staining his white shirt . He slammed the man's body on the ground harshly,  kneeling on the ground he then pulled knief out from his neck only  to start stabbing repeatedly aiming to doctor's chest .

Mr. Lim face was now covered with blood. His breath became heavy as he realised what was about to come.

"That's enough" Taehyung ordered in monotone. Mr. Lim stopped and stand up abruptly to face him

"I could say the same boss, t -thats e- enough "he whispered from his blood stained lips. A small giggle then released from his mouth which amused Taehyung more.

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