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Zayn had outdone himself. He had turned the club where we did our drag shows into a beautiful wonderland. Louis and I did just have to show up in our best suits. Louis looked very handsome in his blue suit with a ruffled shirt and I was dressed in pink.

We were both surprised to see our families there. Zayn had called them, pointing out that this was a moment in our lives that they didn't want to miss out on.

On a pedestal next to the arch of flowers Zayn had made, was a picture of Niall and a basket of flowers. Louis and I both choked up. Our dear friend was the flower girl after all.

Liam was the one initiating the wedding and even if it wasn't legal by any means, it felt real to us. We said our vows and Liam declared us husband and husband. When we kissed everyone cheered and then we partied.

I had met Louis' family before but that night I really got to know them and they were happy for us. My family too. We were blessed. So many gay people didn't have supportive families.

Life was good. For the next two years, Louis and I blossomed. We were exploring the possibility of having children. We couldn't adopt or use a surrogate but a lot of gay people did it the old-fashioned way. We just had to find a lesbian couple that wanted a child and shared custody. We weren't in a hurry though.

Then Zayn started to show symptoms. We had almost forgotten that he had a death sentence hanging over him because Zayn never talked about it. He was very casual about it when he told us but I saw right through him. He was scared. I took his hand.
"You're not alone."

He just nodded his head. A couple of weeks later pneumonia put him in the hospital. We were all there, holding his hand and he recovered just to be admitted a couple of weeks later from a yeast infection. It was the beginning of the end.

We watched as he got thinner and thinner and soon he had to be hospitalized around the clock. Liam didn't leave his side. We were all there for him, holding his hand and whipping away his tears while he suffered. We took turns visiting him. Louis took Liam home to get him to shower and sleep and I took a seat next to Zayn. I took his delicate hand in mine. He opened his eyes.
"Hi, gorgeous." He smiled. His face was so skinny that the skin looked like it could crack any second.

"Zayn." I breathed out.

"Now, listen to me. You have to take care of Liam for me. He will feel all alone but make sure that he knows that he isn't." Zayn said.

"Of course." I agreed.

"I want a fabulous funeral. None of that fucking prostate cancer bullshit. I lived a life I'm proud of. Let my family have their moment. I want the underground funeral, you know the glamorous party. You'll be bathing in champagne, telling everyone how awesome I was." Zayn said and started to cough.

"Of course." I said. I would agree to anything.

"And continue with your drag shows, Harry. You love it. Live life to the fullest. Don't look back. No regrets." Zayn said.

I started crying.
"I don't know what I will do without you."

"You'll be fine, princess. You have Louis and Liam." Zayn assured me.

"Yeah, but you are my best friend. The first person I got to know. You have done so much for me. I'm going to miss you so much." I sob. Then I feel ashamed of myself. Zayn is dying and I'm making it about me.

"I'm glad I'm going to be missed. My short life had meaning." Zayn smiled.

"So much meaning." I assured him.

Louis returned and I gave them some time alone. I found Liam outside the door looking pale. I hugged him.
"You will always have me and Louis. You are family Liam."

Liam broke down crying and I tried my best to comfort him.

Zayn died a week later and we were all there, holding his hand. He wasn't alone. We threw one hell of a party for him and every person that had crossed paths with him showed up. Zayn would be remembered.

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