When It All Goes Up In Flames

Start from the beginning

"Two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, Mark."Maverick announces, she can hear the other's add in their own time mark's.

"Four Mark." Payback states, she reaches over flipping her own time, the thirty seconds start to drop on the click. "Five Mark." She tells, her wingman says her own mark as the continue on.

"Going in." Maverick whisper's, she gulp's watching as he starts to make the hard turn's to the left and to the right, she grunts as she jerks herself to the left as the pressure on her body begins to build.

This gives the training a run for its money, she thinks as she grunts as she is forced into the canopy window. Each of their engine's of their plane screech's as they move through the canyon, the window from the wings blowing snow off the ground.

"First Sam site overhead." Maverick points out, she looks up seeing the missile above on the rocks, she gasped softly, "Shit." She mouths out loud.

"Looks like we're clear on radar, Mav."Phoenix reasure's him, she shakes her head, that dosent mean much, Brandy thinks as she turn's, her eyes dart to her time in nav seeing they were running low on time.

She pant's with a groan as she aligns again, her eye's look to the sky seeing more SAM's aimed high, she shakes her head. "Damn these guys are good."

"More SAM's Three o'clock high." Fanboy announces, she can grumbling from Redwing on the other radio, she looks down at her time, they are going to be late if Rooster dosent pick up his speed.

"We got two minutes to target." Bob informs them, she pant's looking to her surroundings, she grunts as she forced against the canopy.

"Copy." Payback says strained, Brandy look's the missiles above with a fearful look. She shake off the nerve's as the adrenaline starts to pump in her veins.

"Rooster, speed up we dont have a lot of time!" She orders him, her eyes dart to her navigation, their only a few seconds behind the other plane's, if they dont move now the bandits will be on her and her wingman, and not enough time for her to dogfight it out.

"We're a few seconds behind, rooster. We got to move!" Payback add's, his nervous panting is heard on the radio.

"Dagger, comanche.We're picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts." Comanche informs them, she can feel her palms pool with sweat at the new information, "What?!" She exclaims.

"Comanche, what's their heading?" Phoenix asks, Brandy strains with each turn as their speed remained the same. "Bull's-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest."

"They're headed away from us." Rooster speaks up, she shakes her head not believing her friend. "They don't know we're here."

"I wouldn't say that, their gonna be pissed in minute or two." Redwing remarks with a grit through her teeth, she smirks for a moment at the sound of her wingman's silver tongue.

"The second those tomahawks hit the air base, those bandits are gonna move to defend the target." Maverick reminds them all.

"We have to get there before they do. Increase speed!" He order's them, him and his set of dagger's move ahead with their speed now doubled, she couldn't move her own not till Rooster moved, she pant's as her breath starts to shake from her anxiety.

it wasn't just her life that is at stake at the moment, it was her wingmans, her best friend's, her captain's and her something else. She is still worried about herself just not at the moment.

"We got you, Mav. Don't wait for me." Phoenix order's him, the brunette grunts with the turn of the tight canyon.

"Daredevil!" We have to move!" Red Wing shouts to her team leader, She nods her head.

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