The House of the Wolf-Royalty AU Pt. 2

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( Tim= Tech, Wrecker= Williams, Crosshair= Regan, Wolffe= Warren, Sinker=Simon, Boost=Benjamin, Charlie=99) 

Rin's POV

Dinner interesting affair to say the least. 

Well King Charlie and my father were talking and laughing, catching up and reminiscing about the past, the other part of the table was silent apart from the small clinks of silverware and the chatter of the youngest member.

"Did you see the gardens they have Hunter?," she asked her brother excitedly, "Those roses were huge and I think I saw Mando lilies too! Timmy once told me they only grow in areas of chilly .... chilly....." "Temperature," the oldest prince said gently. She thanked him and continued to talk about the gardens and the journey here to him. She didn't seem too comfortable with talking to us yet, but I understood that it was a big change for someone her age to move from home to a totally different country in a short time period. 

"Your niece seems very fond of your eldest," my father observed and I peered up from zoning out on my soup. A topic that was open to all had finally hit the table.

" Yes, he was the one who originally found and took her from her mother, our aunt, so she's grown rather attached to them," Prince Tim said nonchalantly. "Took?," Wolffe asked, an accusatory tone in his voice. Hunter's face went slightly darker. "Our aunt was no fit mother," Hunter said cooly and the the glared at each other, tension quickly building at the table. 

" Well I'm glad she's getting a chance to see other kingdoms," I said softly trying to divert the conversation well giving a smile at the small girl, "I heard you like the gardens mi'lady, perhaps if it's alright with your uncle, I can take you to see them up close during your visit." She blushed at the attention, but also perked up and her eyes shimmered with excitement. "Buir, may I?," she very politely asked, batting her eyelashes slightly. King Charlie chuckled. "Of course dear, now what do you say to Princess Rin?." "Thank you very much Princess Rin," she said bowing her head. 

I laughed lightly. " Of course Princess," I said and her face grew darker again as I used her title. Hunter smiled at her gently and whispered to her. She smiled sheepishly and the meal continued back into a relative quiet.  

A little while later, we all went our separate ways. My father offered to escort King Charlie and his family to the guest chambers and my brothers and I went to our rooms. 

"Well that wasn't so bad," I said, "Give it a little bit and it might turn into pleasant company." Wolffe snorted. "Give it until tomorrow morning, then it'll turn into chaos," he huffed before going to his room without a goodnight. I sighed and frowned at his closed door. "Don't mind Wolffe, he's just angry and stressed with no outlet," Sinker said, patting my back. "Noted," I said, crossing my arms. "Yeah, well so are we and we still don't act like a du'ik in front of our sister," Boost said coldly, giving a glare at Wolffe's door. "We'll all improve with some sleep," Sinker said, grabbing Boost's arm and pulling him to their shared room. 

I watched them for a second before going to my room.

"Sorry my lady! I was just finishing some dusting," my handmaid Bariss said as I entered the room, but I only grinned, knowing her real reasoning for her visit. "Dusting of course," I teased, "Not here at all to gossip with me about the new guests?" She immediately put down the rag she'd been 'dusting' with and sat on my bed, eagerly patting her seat next to her. I laughed and sat down at her feet instead.

"French braid?" she asked, knowing my price for palace gossip. I nodded and her started to comb my hair out with her fingers.

"Sooo....who was the most handsome?," she asked eagerly. I grinned. "Well, depends on what you're looking for I guess." "Any potential matched for you?," Bariss asked. "No, too old, except for King Charlie's youngest son...," I said, my voice trailing off. Bariss paused her braiding. "And what was he like?," she asked and even though I couldn't see her face, I knew she was wearing a smug grin. "We didn't talk, but he's.......decent looking I suppose. One could argue handsome if they were in a good mood," I said, my face heating up slightly, "Felt bad for him though, when I got a glimpse of him his face was bright red from the heat." Bariss paused braiding again and I turned to face her, confusion on my face.

She started laughing loudly and I gave her an exasperated look. "What?," I asked and she laughed even harder. "Nothing my lady," she gasped, trying to catch her breath. I huffed at her and leaned against the bed frame. 

"He had very pretty eyes," I said after I few minutes, " I really liked the color." Bariss smiled at me softly. "Then you should talk to him sometime," she said before giving me a teasing grin, "Tell him how pretty you think his eyes are." I reached behind me and grabbed a small pillow before throwing it at her. 

Bariss left after I gave her a rundown on everything, promising to update her with anymore news and gossip. She waved goodbye and I finally looked outside, seeing that it was already dark out, with the moon overhead. Still, I felt energetic from the day's excitement and I knew sleep wouldn't come to me for some time. 

I changed into a dark gray dress with loose sleeves and a nice, warm fabric to take a walk in, praying my brothers wouldn't be up to try and accompany me. I needed some time to think by myself.

I managed to get past all my brother's rooms successfully, and when I passed by my father's study I could hear him still chatting with King Charlie. I smiled to myself, happy my father was having such a good time with his old friend. The war had truly taken a lot out of him, and I was glad this visit presented a small break for him. 

I wandered past the royal wing and settled on walking the path near the border of the palace gardens. The gardens were in the middle of the castle, so by doing to full loop, I'd make it right back to the royal wing and then hopefully, I'd be tired enough for sleep. 

However, my plans changed abruptly as I noticed a small shadow creeping to the gardens. A shadow with very bright blonde hair. I walked over quietly, leaning on a pillar as I watched Omega sneak to the entrance way very slowly well walking on her tip toes. I smiled, enjoying the little girl's efforts. 

"Your brothers asleep?," I whispered yelled and she gave a large gasp, nearly toppling over before I gently grabbed her arm. I straightened her up and she turned red, stammering out apologizes. "Princess, you're not in trouble," I said, crouching down to meet her eye to eye. She sniffled slightly and I gave her a wide smile. 

"I promise, tomorrow, I'll take you to see the gardens," I said, "But right now is the time growing girls should be sleeping." She shifted a bit on her feet. "I can't sleep," she mumbled, "Everything is so...different." I stood up, offering her my hand. She took it and we started the walk to the guest rooms.

"I understand," I said as we walked, looking down at her kindly, "Sometimes I have trouble sleeping in new places too." "My brother Crosshair says there are lots of bad people here," she whispered, looking up at my fearfully, "But everyone's been really nice to me so far...." I internally cursed her brother in every language I know, but gave her a chuckle. "There are bad people everywhere you go, but you're very safe here Princess," I said, "Your unc- you father, your brothers, my brothers, my father, all the guards, and I are here to keep you safe." 

"You're going to protect me too," Omega gasped, "You can fight too? My brothers say I don't need to know how to fight, but I really want to learn how to shoot a bow like Crosshair and maybe swing an axe like Wrecker, but I want to be smart like Tech too-" " Wrecker is....Williams correct?," I guessed. Omega beamed. "Well, I call him Wrecker cause he accidentally breaks stuff a lot, and I call Timmy Tech because he always starts saying stuff with 'technically', and then we all call Regan Crosshair because he's really good with a bow." "You're quite the creative thinker Princess Omega," I complimented and Omega smiled widely. "You can call me Omega, all my friends call me just Omega and I think we're friends now," she said. "Well then Omega, you can call me Rin," I said.

"Ok Rin," she giggled. "Ok Omega," I said back and we both broke out into giggles,

"Now lets get you back to your brothers." 

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