The House of the Wolf-Royalty AU Pt. 3

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Matteo's POV

"HOW DID WE LOSE HER ALREADY?!,' Hunter cried in disbelief, frantically searching the small series of rooms we were staying in. I gave a huff of agreement, patting down Omega's bed for the fifth time. "I'm telling you, kidnapping," Crosshair hissed. He was worried for her, that was obvious, but he worried in the most Crosshair way ever. "We just gotta find her before Dad comes back," Wrecker said nervously and we all froze, exchanging glances. 

Then we continued the search even more frantically before a small knock was heard. 

Hunter raced over and quickly smoothed back his hair before reaching to open to the door. 

"If that's dad, I'm ending my kriffing existence here," Wrecker whispered and Crosshair nodded in agreement. Hunter quickly shushed them before opening the door to revel Omega.

"Omega," Hunter said, relieved and he knelt down to bring the girl into a hug. I sighed, my panic slowly fading......only to increase exponentially as I saw who was at the door with Omega. 

A vision of ginger locks, bright eyes, and an easy smile dressed in gray. The Princess Rin. 

Hunter quickly straightened up. "Your Highness," he said respectfully. "Hello," she said smiling gently, "I found this one observing the gardens and thought I'd bring her back." "Sorry," Omega said bashfully, rubbing her neck, "I was just too nervous to sleep." "So you decided to make us all age fifty years by disappearing?," Crosshair hissed, but opened his arm slightly to allow for Omega to hug him tightly, "I think Hunter grew at least five new grey hairs." Omega giggled and the tension slowly drained from our shoulders. 

"Thank you, for bringing her back safely, I'm sorry we disturbed you," Hunter apologized to Rin. She gave a small chuckle. " Please, it was my pleasure. Your sister is a wonderful companion for a nighttime walk," she said, "Besides, I can't even remember how many heart attacks I've given my own brothers for my late night wandering. I suppose this is fate paying it back to me." Hunter smiled politely at her. "We still greatly appreciate it," he said and the Princess waved him off. "Think nothing off it," she said cheerfully, "And Omega?" 

Omega turned her head away from her small conversation with Wrecker to Rin. "I can come by after breakfast tomorrow and give you a tour of the gardens, the sun catches the petals best in the early morning," Rin offered and Omega beamed. " Thank you Rin," she said before yawning. "We'll see if you're even awake for that," Crosshair huffed, gently picking Omega up, "It's pretty far past your bedtime." She mumbled an argument, but her head drooped on his shoulder as he carried her to her room. 

Wrecker followed and Hunter gave a final goodbye before Rin turned to leave. 

"I can escort you back," I blurted out and both Hunter and Princess Rin turned to face me. My face felt hot again as Hunter gave me a curious, yet smug look. Rin just smiled and nodded. "I'd appreciate the company." I swallowed quickly and went to the door, passing Hunter who whispered to me. "And do come straight back." I blushed even harder and slapped his shoulder before shutting the door in his smug face. 

Rin lead the way and we walked for a moment in silence. 

"Have you enjoyed your stay here so far?," she asked me and I stammered. "Um- Yes! Of course, it's been wonderful." "I'm glad," she said, her bright smile making me melt into my own skin, " I was a little worried given something Omega said to me earlier." "Something Omega said?," I asked, a small frown on my face. Omega wasn't the type to typically worry people, with her words at least. 

"She said that your brother, Crosshair, told her some......bold tales of our lands?," she asked me, her eyebrow raised. "Something along the lines of 'They're all dangerous' or 'We need to stay on guard around these people'?," I groaned, cursing Crosshair in every language I knew. "Pretty much directly that," she chuckled. I sighed half heartedly. "Please don't take it personally Princess, he' that with everyone we visit." "I assumed," she said as we started up a flight of stairs. 

"But I wanted to make sure you all know you're safe here," she said kindly, " I know the war as put everyone on edge with one another, allies or not." "I trust your word Princess," I answered back, " I trust you."

She turned to face me, her eyes looking down into mine from the high ground she possessed. 

From this angle, I could see bits of the night sky reflected in her eyes, and just how clear and green they were. Like the forest, but more sweet and pure. Her eyes were stunning. 

"I'm glad you trust me Prince Matteo," she whispered and I leaned up slightly to hear her voice more clearly. Our faces were closer now and I could feel the faintest warmth on my nose from her breath. 

"With my life Princess," I said softly and she giggled. "You barely know me," she whispered, amused. 

"Let's just say I've got an excellent judgement of character," I teased and her eyes twinkled mischievously. " I suppose I must trust your judgement then," she teased back, " But we've also reached the entrance the Royal wing and I don't think you want my brother's overprotectiveness to overcloud their character judgement." I paled slightly and Rin immediately slapped her hand over her mouth to stop her laughter from waking others. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Prince Matteo," she whispered, leaning close to me, "I thank you for your company and your trust."

I barely had time to react before she gently kissed my check and disappeared with a smile. 

I stood in a daze, a stupid grin on my face and I slightly brushed over the spot her lips meet my skin. 

"Goodnight, princess," I whispered before walking down the stairs, back to my room where I would not doubt dream of green forests and gentle laughter. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 08 ⏰

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