The House of the Wolf-Royalty AU

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The wind blew into my room, causing papers to spill from my desk and onto the floor. I cursed like a sailor back from a hurricane and bent down from my chair to recover my pages. " How very unladylike to curse in such a manner," a heard someone tease and I looked up to glare at one of my older brothers. "Well pardon me," I said, putting on a sickly smile, "And kriff off Sinker"

He laughed and walked over to me, leaning over to see what was on my desk.

"Pages from the First War......a few lovely notes on the art of dueling....and more books," he observed, "You must be the smartest person in the kingdom by now little sister." I chuckled. "Don't let Boost hear you say that, he'll be so disappointed." "Boost, Wolffe, and Father are all in the dining room, awaiting a certain someone so we can eat," Sinker said, poking me in the shoulder. I frowned. "It's barely 11, we always have lunch at 12:30?"

"The House of 99 Demons is coming to stay a few weeks well King Charlie the 99th and dad work out some trade agreements, so we're going to ride and meet them at 12," Sinker explained, walking out the room, "So wear some better shoes!" I chuckled before throwing on some boots and racing after him. 

Lunch was more tense than I'd have thought possible.

Normally, father was joyous to have guest, especially old friends such as King Charlie, but today he seemed distant and worried. I took a quick glance and winced as I noticed the large scowl on Wolffe's face. He certainly wasn't pleased about something.

We all eat in silence for a few minutes longer until I decided to speak up.

"So Sinker told me King Charlie is coming to visit? It'll be wonderful to see him again, it's been years," I said, forcing a grin on my face. My father nodded and smiled equally forcefully back. "Yes, seeing Charlie will be wonderful, it's simple.....who is coming with him that worries me."

I raised an eyebrow. 

"You not thrilled for guests? It must be a first," I teased father and I saw his lips twitch slightly, but Wolffe scowled even deeper. "He's bringing his sons with him." The table got quiet and I let out a small sigh in realization. 

Yes, the ever infamous princes of the Kingdom of 99 Demons. The Demons Reborn, they whispered, the Five Sons of Mischief. A very.......known group. All fierce and skilled warriors and extremely successful well as some of the most unreasonable, disrespectful royalty to ever grace the 9 Kingdoms. 

I hadn't been old enough to go to the last ball with every house present, but I do remember the whispers of the fights they caused, the scandals, and their eventual dismal from the entire celebration by the Grand King, King Yoda. Wolffe had come home seething, storming off for nearly three days well father had all but collapsed into an armchair, rubbing his eyes tiredly. 

It was certainly.......memorable. 

" Hey Wolffe, this time he's on our side, so we can beat him into the dirt," Sinker said happily, poking Wolffe's arm. "He?," I asked, taking a spoonful of soup. "The second oldest, Prince Regan "Crosshair" 99," Boost chimed in, "The biggest pain in the ass to ever grace-" My father slapped Boost in the head for swearing and we all snickered into our food. 

"Ass? Come on father, it's more of a description then a swear-" SLAP

An hour later, we all sat on our horses, waiting for the House of 99 to come through the clearing. 

I gently braided the mane of my mare, Porg, as we sat waiting. The wind blew my dress lightly and I thanked every god that came to mind that I hadn't worn anything flowing. I didn't care much for impressing others with fancy attire, but I had a great admiration for King Charlie and I wanted him to have an equal respect for me. And if dressing the part was a part of that, I was going to do my absolute best. I  exhaled softly and shifted nervously on Porg and Sinker leaned over. "Two silver coins say Wolffe and one of the princes brawl," he whispered and I snickered, some of the anxiety in me slowly easing away. 

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