Chapter Eight: "It's What's On the Inside That Counts"

Start from the beginning

"General, you think you could stay here, just in case I, y'know, kick the bucket?"

"Hey, if you die, I die, and I ain't got no better place to be," the Charger replied with a rev of his engine.

"Thanks, General."

With that, it was silent again, only this time, the sound never came back.


It was morning by the time Autumn returned, the Dukes and Cooter rushing to the door to see her. She was busy helping an elderly woman out of the passenger seat of her car, Cooter and Luke running out to help in any way they could.

The morning sun kissed the woman's wrinkled face as she stepped away from the car, standing up straight and raising her face towards the house. Her face was contorted into a displeased glare, as if she'd spent decades telling little children she wasn't mad at them, only disappointed. She was dressed similarly to Autumn, similar hide jacket with sway, dark blue jeans, and boots. Her hat was adorned with a rattlesnake skin band and an eagle feather. A feathered crest on the front of the hat, colored orange and blue with a white center, made all other color pop. Her gray hair was braided into one long braid draped over her hunched back. Large, turquoise earrings hung from her ears, and an array of necklaces from her neck as well.

As she made her way towards the house, Autumn tried to grab her arm to help her along but she flailed her arms about, shaking her finger at her.

"I don't need your help!" she snapped, stepping up to the porch, holding onto the doorframe for support, and chuckling to herself, "I might be old but I ain't that old."

The Dukes exchanged glances, smelling the old woman's strong perfume as she walked past, distinguished to that of a grandmother of any attainment.

As they all followed her inside, they watched as she immediately began to familiarize herself with Jesse's kitchen, rooting through cupboards and drawers. After a moment, she pulled out a tea kettle, setting it down on top of the stove. As the rest of them were walking in, she reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a notepad, that of which Daisy normally used to make grocery lists.

The woman took the notepad and sat down at the kitchen table, immediately looking up at the crowd gathered at the door. She scoffed and snapped her fingers, holding out her hand.

"Any of you jackasses gonna give me a pen or are y'all just gonna stand there with your tongues hangin' outta your mouths?" she growled.

It took that sentence alone for them to deduce that she and Autumn talked very similarly. They looked the same, talked the same, and carried the same attitude with them. There was no doubt about it, by the principles as old as time, children learning from their caretakers, this woman was very close to Autumn Burningwood. How they were related, the group was unsure.

Soon enough, Jesse leaped into action, digging a pen from one of the many pockets in his overalls and handing it to her. Without a word, the woman took the pen, scribbling down on the notepad. After a moment, she leaned forward, beckoning for Autumn to come close, which she did.

The woman tore out the page she'd written on and handed it to Autumn. "Get me these and hurry. If I can stop the reaction before it's too far along, the boys'll be fine."

"And if not?" Cooter asked, the first one to pipe up since the old woman's arrival.

The woman's eyes narrowed. "If you don't think she'll be fast enough, you help her then." She stood up and grabbed the tea kettle off the stovetop, walking to the sink.

Without giving him the time to react, Cooter was swept out the door by Autumn as she passed through, on her way back out to the car.

Once again, the Dukes all exchanged nervous glances before the woman pointed a crooked finger at Luke. "You, the stocky one with the curly hair."

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